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  1. #1
    AirborneRanger's Avatar
    AirborneRanger is offline Junior Member
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    test deca = exhausted?

    ok im on testE a week and deca 400 Week but front loading and kick starting with 50 mg d-bol. i started Sunday and im exhausted. not sick just feel tired as hell. also when i did the 2cc in my right deltoid its kinda sore now and slightly red now. hurts to move but it looks normal besides that. delts were also virgins to AAS so that might be the reason. anyway though my main question is should i be this tired?

  2. #2
    kfrost06's Avatar
    kfrost06 is offline Banned
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    It's not unusual, I got very very tired too when I did the exact same cycle. My theory is that I really kicked up the intensity in the gym and that just made me exhausted. Someone else had a different theory that made sense, I just can't remember it. Anyway, it's not uncommon at all.

  3. #3
    maxex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AirborneRanger View Post
    ok im on testE a week and deca 400 Week but front loading and kick starting with 50 mg d-bol. i started Sunday and im exhausted. not sick just feel tired as hell. also when i did the 2cc in my right deltoid its kinda sore now and slightly red now. hurts to move but it looks normal besides that. delts were also virgins to AAS so that might be the reason. anyway though my main question is should i be this tired?

    The d-bol can make you tired, but that is usually a major side effect of anadrol . ARe you sure you don't have them confused? Anadrol completely drains you the first couple weeks. After you're workout, youre pretty much useless. Test and deca probably aren't doing it, if you just started on sunday, then they havent started working.

  4. #4
    PureLife07's Avatar
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    True give the test a few more weeks before it starts working. As for the virgin muscles, im sure thats why. No matter how many times i shoot my shoulders they always hurt. My muscles just cant seem to get used to it in those spots.

  5. #5
    Overhaulz's Avatar
    Overhaulz is offline Associate Member
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    Doing a deca / test e at the moment without the Dbol and I too am a bit tired at times. To me, it's a flu like tired and I expect it to pass soon.

    As for your shoulder, I just put 1 cc in my left delt last week and it got extremely tight, and even got very warm to the touch. It also became red and spread throughout my outer bicep as well, but subsided a few days later and was fine. That has happened to me in my legs before too so I wasn't concerned that it was cellulitis.

  6. #6
    AirborneRanger's Avatar
    AirborneRanger is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Overhaulz View Post
    Doing a deca / test e at the moment without the Dbol and I too am a bit tired at times. To me, it's a flu like tired and I expect it to pass soon.

    As for your shoulder, I just put 1 cc in my left delt last week and it got extremely tight, and even got very warm to the touch. It also became red and spread throughout my outer bicep as well, but subsided a few days later and was fine. That has happened to me in my legs before too so I wasn't concerned that it was cellulitis.
    yeah thats what it did too, hot and then slightly inflamed and the red spread to my outer bicep. also im sure its d-bol im just getting the same flu like symptoms like tired and stuff no cough just really tired and achy

  7. #7
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    high fluctuations in bloodpressure can induce feelings of lethargy.

  8. #8
    Sculpture is offline Associate Member
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    The same day i start deca i feel somewhat tired and it lasts the whole cycle. Pretty sure its not the test.

  9. #9
    Jeff1's Avatar
    Jeff1 is offline Associate Member
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    Just rest up and keep hiting it hard bro.

  10. #10
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    Quote Originally Posted by maxex View Post
    The d-bol can make you tired, but that is usually a major side effect of anadrol. ARe you sure you don't have them confused? Anadrol completely drains you the first couple weeks. After you're workout, youre pretty much useless. Test and deca probably aren't doing it, if you just started on sunday, then they havent started working.
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa View Post
    high fluctuations in bloodpressure can induce feelings of lethargy.
    Both true. I would say that it's most likely the Dbol . People react differently to Dbol - some say it gives them energy, feelings of wellbeing, increased appetite etc while other report the exact opposite. Try toning down the dose to see if it helps, or just stop completely if it doesn't

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