Hello guys...
i got 8 amps for sustanon 250 i will be running a 8 week sustanon 250 Cycle ...
I just wanna know what pins will be appropriate to jab that sustanon..
i.e the thickness like 1inch or 1.5inch ??
Cheers !!
Hello guys...
i got 8 amps for sustanon 250 i will be running a 8 week sustanon 250 Cycle ...
I just wanna know what pins will be appropriate to jab that sustanon..
i.e the thickness like 1inch or 1.5inch ??
Cheers !!
1 amp of sust250 per week for 8 weeks? Might as well just take creatine. you won't gain much off of that.
but, a 25g x 1.5" would suffice for glute shots
yea 250mgs for 8 weeks wont do much at all bro. i would just wait until you can get more then go for 500mgs a week. as for pins it depends on your bodyfat. i can use 1'' needles everywere on my body but if you have a little extra fat i would go for 1.5'' for glutes and 1'' for thighs and delts. as for gauge you can use a 23 or 25
sorry forgot to mention that i will be kick starting it with dbol for 4 weeks in starting and ending it up with stromba for 2-3 weeks... its a sort of a lean muscle cycle...
Clomid and Proviron are all setted up...
what is stromba? and d-bol isnt the best thing for lean muscle gain.
Cycle is like this...
20mg D-Bol (week 1-4)
sustanon 250 week 1-8
20mg Winstrol (week8-12)
after that pct with clomid...
during whole of the cycle taking proviron 25mg per day !!
i would run the winny and test together. if your running the test from week 1-8 then run the winny from week 4-10 then you can start you pct after you last winny shot. i would also run the winny for 6 weeks instead of 4. it not a very good cycle and you probably wont gain much but if you really want to do it go for it. personally i wouldnt go under 50mgs of winny a day and i would run it for 6 weeks. also i would drop the d-bol if you want lean muscle and add some tren or masteron since you wont be gaining much from the test at such a low dose.
yes i decided to go for 50mg a day oral...
Actually i am into acting and ramp and i have to make a quicky physique within 2-3 months with proper symmetry thats why i decided to go with these...
Thnx for the suggestion bro ... i will run winny for 6 Weeks
Any more suggestions are always welcomed
Cheers !!
i like 21g 1 comes out easy and i dont have to worry about hitting a bone cause im skinny
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