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Thread: lack of pct

  1. #1
    quartertonroche is offline New Member
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    lack of pct

    just wanted to put this update out there.

    I recently posted about how My girl threw out my nolva when we moved mid Feb, at the end of my 16 week test/eq cycle. I have nasty pre existing gyno from both puberty and from reckless cycles in the past.

    Last night my right nipple itches severly. It became swollen and would not retract when stimulated (scratched) as prog gyno generally does. Today it hurts. It is sensitive to the point that it my shirt rubs it I shudder. The external skin burns along with a deep, dull aching that runs down my side. There is a tiny second knot developing to the left of the main, large knot behind the nipple.

    I have ordered more Nolva. Next week I will order letro.

    I think I'm one step closer to surgery!

  2. #2
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    Have you by any chance been to the doctor about this?

  3. #3
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You need to be very careful, nolvadex only is not good pct. Good luck with the letro though and I hope you do not need surgery.

  4. #4
    quartertonroche is offline New Member
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    No I havnt. Just started a new job and I wont have coverage for three months.

    I did see a doc when I was 15 and he promised it would go away lol.

    I usually run Nolva and femera post cycle and Nolva through the whole thing but this cycle I never got any inflamation during, so I never started it, figued I'd save it for afterwards.

    I have no idea how to properly handle this right now, I'm starting with a clean diet and cardio but thats all I can do for now.

  5. #5
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Let us know how the letro works out for you I hear it takes a few weeks to start showing results. Some people have had great luck reversing it with letro.

  6. #6
    quartertonroche is offline New Member
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    I took it before and I really did see a reduction in my puberty gyno. It's worse than ever now but wasnt that bad for the past year. I've been through a few bottles of it.

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