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Thread: Ultimate First cycle Newb <minimum><safest>

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Ultimate First cycle Newb <minimum><safest>

    OK first off , i want to say thank you all for the information i have got from this site, VERY VERY USEFUL! I am on my second week of research and have been rigorously researching much before i decided to post anything. If it wasnt for the site , i was thinking of using straight Deca, and wasnt to thrilled about the limp dick side effects. So, i wanted to get your guys thoughts on this cycle before i decided to break down and buy. I know that injections are the safest and less toxic so thats what i will be referring to while taking anything. I am a health freak and only looking for the safest and minimal steroids.

    I am 5'10 , 185lbs , 26 age, and currently and great shape and currently looking for a better edge for playing semi pro football ( not worried about anything showing up, for there are no testing), but need some work on my stomach area. Currently am just stacking NanoVapor and halo and thinking about getting off these 2 supplements as soon as i start my cycle. Any ideas on that?

    So this is what i am thinking, remember i am looking only as minimal as possible and safest with least side affects, ALL CRITICISM IS GREATFULLY APPRECIATED!

    350 mg deca 10 weeks
    400 mg test E or test C (input on which is better?) 10 weeks
    Clomid for 2 weeks after the 10 week cycle

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Run the test for 2 weeks longer then deca. PErsonally i would up the test to 500mg a week.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Should those extra 2 weeks be used before or after the deca?

    and then should i use clomid after the test cycle? or during?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Melbourne, Australia.
    test-e for 12 @ 500mg, deca for 10 @ 400. you could consider test prop if you don't mind eod jabs, less bloat/sides. you need to read more on PCT. clomid for 2 weeks is insufficient. if you did two weeks intensive reading you should really know all of that stuff already!?! a-dex during cycle not clomid.
    Last edited by jbonez19; 03-08-2008 at 06:51 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    yah prop hurts like a bitch though! but well worth the pain.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    this is pretty close to the cycle i just started my first as well i am running 375 mgs deca for 12 weeks and sust 500 mgs for 14 weeks your pct should def be improved i plan on running hcg nolva and clomid for up to four weeks two weeks after last sust shot

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    The Steel City
    tbo bro i would run Test E at 500mg a wk as your first go around

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    you say you want to run the minimum amount of gear. so why are you using 2 compunds for your 1st time. just use test for 10 weeks - 500mg. then wait two weeks and then do a mon th of nolva and clomid.

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