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Thread: Vets help!!! TriTren 150 and Test E, what's your opinion???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Fort Bragg, NC

    Thumbs up Vets help!!! TriTren 150 and Test E, what's your opinion???

    First, my stats:
    6'1", 185lbs, 23yrs old, done 1 cycle 3.5 yrs ago of test 2/deca with great results, no side effects. Right now, I don't lift heavy, I'm in the Army, so I stay in shape and run alot, but no heavy lifting 0right now...... I want to start lifting heavy when I start my cycle, but I need some expertise.....

    I'm going to start up 1ml TriTren 150/1ml Test E, mixing them in a 3 ml 22G/1in needle in my a*s.

    I'm wondering if I need to pyramid this stuff, eventually go up to 1.5/1.5 of each or even 2/2 of each and back down or if that much juice is to be left for the pro's. When I did my first cycle I was 20, and my coach walked me through it like a baby, so now I need a "new coach" to help me achieve great results.

    Also, what type of side effect meds should I run like nolvadex or clomid, or what type of PCT should I do? Hopefully something readily available because I only know a few people that can hook me up with legit gear.

    Any info I TRULY appreciated!!!!
    Last edited by SGTNICK; 03-08-2008 at 09:37 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    start reading and start researching... asking to be spoon fed is completely taboo around here

    we help those who help themselves.. (start w/ the search feature top right and the educational threads)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    plus 150mgs of tren a week is just about useless. your going to need more then that and probably more test to. how many mgs are in each ml of your test?

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