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Thread: trying to lose weight

  1. #1

    trying to lose weight

    hey everyone new to this site. OK so i was always known for the fat kid my hole life and the thing is i work out and i have muscle i know it but i have fat and im trying to get rid've it! but its impossible so i heard about clen and t3... i need to know how to take it word for word and cardio and weights or cardio... i play hockey as well.... im posting some pics please dont be harsh on me i need your help please.. i was 240 pounds now im around 185 or 190.... its the start of march i have the clen and t3 i want to beable to take my shirt off and feel good about myself for once in my life
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2008-03-09-28181.jpg 
Views:	118 
Size:	323.4 KB 
ID:	88598   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2008-03-09-28065.jpg 
Views:	98 
Size:	321.2 KB 
ID:	88599  
    Last edited by palmdawg; 03-09-2008 at 01:00 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    On the toilet
    my personal opinion is clen and t3 suck. tried clen 3 times twice tabs and once liquid. The only thing that works for me is a hardcore diet. I know you prob think you eat good but maybe you should reevaluate what a good diet is. good luck though... i just dont think you will be happy ordering clen and t3.. i know i couldnt tell a difference. btw the t3 was from lion for what its worth.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Melbourne, Australia.
    yeah bro, diet isn't just about what you eat either, it's when you eat, what time you eat what etc etc etc. if you want to lose fat imo diet, weights & cardio in that order. you will get there naturally you just have to be a bit scientific, patient and stubborn. here is a link for milos sarcev's diet seminars should be a good start for you. feeling good is a state of mind, not a physical appearance, although feeling fit can help you to feel good about yourself. hang in there, good luck bro. p.s. you're not johnny knoxville are you pdawg?
    Last edited by jbonez19; 03-09-2008 at 04:18 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Who wants to know?
    Fat loss all comes down to diet. Use a diet tracking software such as Fitday to see exactly how many calories, % fat, carbs and protein you are consuming each day. Use cardio/weight lifting to help speed up the metabolism and the compounds you suggested only help speed up the process but aren't necessary. I personally don't like clen, and have never used T3 but in your case I don't think either are necessary. Just get your diet in order, do some cardio and if necessary add an EC stack and you should be good to go.

  5. #5


    jannyknoxville?? WHy you say that casue of the tatoos ? ok so your saying that i shouldnt even bother with it... but everyone even peeps on this site recommend clen ...... ? Now im confused and losing more hope shit deal..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Who wants to know?
    Clen, ECA, AAS, etc., etc., even exercise, none of these are miracle cures, it all comes down to DIET, DIET, DIET, DIET, DIET. If your diet is not near 100% you will will never see the results want. Get your diet and exercise in order, stick to it religiously for a few months, then when you get to a sticking point you can add in the Clen, ECA, etc., jmo.

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