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Thread: Pyramiding tbol...guess I am old school

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Somewhere, USA

    Pyramiding tbol...guess I am old school

    I have been having some serious sides with tbol. I have posted a few threads about it, can't figure out why but I am going to try pyramiding for a couple of reasons.

    1) It will ease my body into a higher dose that I can tolerate.
    2) By starting low and ending low (10mg ed) I can stretch it out from week 3 all the way up to the start of my PCT.
    3) I also think it will help coming off the cycle all together.

    Here is my revised cycle:

    wk 1 test e 500mg / 40 mg tbol (that didn't work)
    wk 2 test e 500mg/ 40 mg tbol (stopped the tbol and sides stopped)
    this is where I am at in my cycle
    wk 3 test e 500mg/ 10mg tbol ed
    wk 4 test e 500mg/ 15mg tbol ed
    wk 5 test e 500mg/ 20mg tbol ed
    wk 6 test e 500mg/ 25mg tbol ed
    wk 7 test e 500mg/ 30mg tbol ed
    wk 8 test e 500mg/ 35mg tbol ed
    wk 9 test e 500mg/ 40mg tbol ed
    wk 10 test e 500mg/ 35mg tbol ed
    wk 11 test e 500mg/ 30mg tbol ed
    wk 12 test e 500mg/ 25mg tbol ed

    wk 13 20mg tbol ed
    wk 14 15mg tbol ed

    wk 15-18 clomid/nolva for PCT

    I think the test e will keep my blood levels stable and pyramiding the tbol will help with the sides. I tried taking 40mg ed right out of the gate and felt lethargic, depressed, basically everything you shouldn't feel taking 500mg test e ew.

    Anyone have any input, suggestions or constructive criticism?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Who wants to know?
    You were taking 40mg tbol and after 1 week you had severe sides? What kind of sides? I was taking 60mg tbol and didn't feel a thing until week 4.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Somewhere, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by samcam View Post
    You were taking 40mg tbol and after 1 week you had severe sides? What kind of sides? I was taking 60mg tbol and didn't feel a thing until week 4.
    I know it sounds bizarre but all I wanted to do was sleep. I had depression and was lethargic. Like I said, everything you shouldn't get from taking 500mg of test ew. My conclusion was that it was just taking too much of a toll on my body so I had to stop it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    1)Actually if anything, tapering the dosage will increase sides.
    2)12 weeks of orals not a very good idea.
    3)Again no tapering you have to have stable amounts and blood levels.
    4)Nolva and clomid is not the greatest PCT. Aromasin is a better choice

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Somewhere, USA
    I have l-dex on hand if I need it. As for the long oral cycle, I thought since it was being ran with several weeks at low doses it wouldn't matter too much. And if I do get unstable blood levels, i don't think it can be much worse than the first two weeks of my cycle....that was rough!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    The 50 States
    i got that side too. i could sleep all day. just fight thru it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prada View Post
    4)Nolva and clomid is not the greatest PCT. Aromasin is a better choice
    What's wrong with a Nolva/Clomid PCT? Never heard that one before, that's what I use all the time.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Somewhere, USA
    Yea I was thinking my PCT was in check. I might add some HCG for my next test/deca cycle.

    Today was my first day at 10mg but so far so good. Anyone have any experiences with pyramiding any type of orals, ecspecially tbol?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Nothing is really wrong with a Clomid and Nolva per se. Its just not the most efficient combo out there. Rather then use two SERMs, I prefer using Nolva and Emestane. However if you cant get any better, then yes Clomid and Nolva would be acceptable.

    Again, I reiterate that you shouldn't be pyramiding or tapering hormones.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    definetly if you can get a serm and an AI for pct, and in my experience tapering brings more sides, but if works for you then do it.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Somewhere, USA
    I know everyone says do not taper, however, when you go to the doctor and get put on some type of steroid, they taper you off of them. Are the one's we are using any different?

    Also, do you suggest I use nolva and l-dex for PCT? I thought these two did the same thing but just in defferent strengths (for the most part). I would rather leave out the clomid if I could but most of the threads I read on here say to include it.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Not really necessary to use HCG. Point is to have a SERM/AI combo. Preferably

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