Been injecting ED into delts and buttocks for several months with test p and tren acetate and today hit a hard spot in delt and could move the plunger.
Whats the deal??
Been injecting ED into delts and buttocks for several months with test p and tren acetate and today hit a hard spot in delt and could move the plunger.
Whats the deal??
That happened to a buddy of mine on his last cycle. Another dude was pinning him, didnt tell him until afterwards that that had happened and he "just used more pressure and jammed it through the hard spot" and injected anyway.
Needless to say that guy wont be injecting either of us again.
scar tissue is a beotch but wehn that happens you can try and push past that spot or perhaps go a little shallower in the delt before coming to that spot. I also reccomend a light pass of heat over the loaded syringe b4 injecting to change the viscosity of the oil. For example, pass a hairdryer over the syringe when it is loaded with the oil, then injct. Even with scar tissue you can get the oil inot the muscle using a little heat, not too much because that hurts like bloody hell
this happened to me a lot in my last cycle.
I hate injecting anyway but became really worried about this.
I know scar tissue has been mentioned as the cause but can this be explained a little more by anyone.
Hmm that could make sense that it was scar tissue.... searching on it now I see all kinds of posts about it, dont know why I didnt think of that. I always assumed he was poking through cartilaige (sp?) on the rotator cuff or something awful like that. -- suppose you would need more than 1in darts to hit anything like that though
i got it all friggin over me, I have learned to deal with it, I just think about the pros and all the scar tissue they have built up.
wait, kfrost did you just say you got it in your arse? LOL
yeah man every day injects and rotatiing 4 sites you are hitting each muscle twice every week almost. you could have just bumped your dosages and went eod rotating 4 sites hitting each only once every 8 days, imo. i agree with these guys scar tissue for sure.
uping dose is not an option becuase that would take 4ml EOD to get the dosage i use. will try different site though
could have hit scare tissue in the muscle
Scar tissue. Do you realize how many spots you can inject on your body? You shouldnt have to deal with scar tissue just from 1 cycle. Have you shot your lats, bi's, tri's, traps, pecs, quads, or calves at all?
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