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Thread: HGH questions

  1. #1
    ricosuave_143 is offline New Member
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    HGH questions

    hey guys

    just a few questions about HGH

    What things can i look out for to make sure its good grade stuff not bullshit?

    Also how much of it should i be taking if i want the body of Brad pitt in TROY!
    Right now im 5'11 190ish pounds about 20% body fat,
    what i mean is IU per day or on off cycle to look like his body.

    What is the price i should be paying for a kit? and what brand should i look for?

    Should i take the shot in the day, night, before workout after....?

    How long before you see the effects?

    ANd finally is there a dosage that is considered safe with out venturinfg into the side effects zone. I know there is a slight chance but to reduce it for the body im lookin gfor what should i take?

    Thak you guys soo much
    really excited to take this stuff to get started

  2. #2
    *El Diablo*'s Avatar
    *El Diablo* is offline Respected Member
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    Dude, please do some research before even trying to take GH. WTF?.. A body like Troy?.. wtf..? ur not right for any Cycle not to mention GH, how long have u been training? whats ur diet like etc. This is your health and life not just a everyday multivitamin ur taking here mate.....

  3. #3
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    there is no drug in this world that will make you turn into your boyhood idol so dont waste your time and money. if you want to lose some of that chub then eat healthy and do alot of cardio. i dont care how much gh you take, if you sit on your butt all day and eat like a slob you will look like a slob.

  4. #4
    *El Diablo*'s Avatar
    *El Diablo* is offline Respected Member
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    I wanna look like Ronnie Coleman and GH is gonna take me there... wtf! lmao

  5. #5
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    i know especially brad pitt. how old is this kid? i cant belive his idol is brad pitt. i bet his bedroom is filled with pic's of him with his shirt off

  6. #6
    *El Diablo*'s Avatar
    *El Diablo* is offline Respected Member
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    LMFAO!... Quote "what i mean is IU per day or on off cycle to look like his body"

    Where do these people come from?...

  7. #7
    tzs68 is offline Junior Member
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    106 guys are harsh

  8. #8
    *El Diablo*'s Avatar
    *El Diablo* is offline Respected Member
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    Harsh... ? how did you come to that conclusion. Would u pose a question like that?

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