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  1. #1
    ReggyD is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2008

    Why do you have to do 4 weeks of D-Bol?

    I am about to start my test/deca cycle soon, and would love to get a SMALL jump start with some d-bol. However, I don't want get puffy from all the water I was wondering if I could just do it for a week for a small amount of strength/weight gain?

  2. #2
    tbjake34's Avatar
    tbjake34 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReggyD View Post
    I am about to start my test/deca cycle soon, and would love to get a SMALL jump start with some d-bol. However, I don't want get puffy from all the water I was wondering if I could just do it for a week for a small amount of strength/weight gain?
    Just run tbol if u can get it. If not run dbol at like 20-30mg/day for 4 wks.

  3. #3
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    Week really wont be worth it as you probably wont get much out of it. The water retention/estrogenic sides of the dbol is what really helps strength and weight gain and thats why most kickstart with it. You do realize that the deca and test will make you hold a lot of water as well right making you puffy? What about a low dose dbol for the first 4-6 weeks until the other compounds kick in? Like i said tho, a week wouldnt even be worth it. You could even thro in an AI like liquidex to combat some of the water retention so you dont look like a fish the whole cycle. I personally LOVE the water bloat from AAS so I try to stay clear of any AI unless im using a 19nor due to SERMS increasing PGR during cycle.

  4. #4
    ReggyD is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by legobricks View Post
    Week really wont be worth it as you probably wont get much out of it. The water retention/estrogenic sides of the dbol is what really helps strength and weight gain and thats why most kickstart with it. You do realize that the deca and test will make you hold a lot of water as well right making you puffy? What about a low dose dbol for the first 4-6 weeks until the other compounds kick in? Like i said tho, a week wouldnt even be worth it. You could even thro in an AI like liquidex to combat some of the water retention so you dont look like a fish the whole cycle. I personally LOVE the water bloat from AAS so I try to stay clear of any AI unless im using a 19nor due to SERMS increasing PGR during cycle.
    how low of a dose should I go with? I just want a small gain...then i want to get off.
    And how bad are the sides from a low dose of d-bol?

  5. #5
    largerthannormal's Avatar
    largerthannormal is offline Productive Member
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    try 20 bro but i wouldnt go lower than that. id personally go with 30 ed . but yeah as lego stated just use an AI (Liguidex) to help keep the water down. ur gonna need to order an AI anyway if ur runnin that cycle.

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