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Thread: partyboyncy need info on equipose and winsrtol please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Thumbs up partyboyncy need info on equipose and winsrtol please

    Hi , saw that you know a lot on winnie V and equipose.

    How do you take these compounds and for how long???

    DO you keep the some gains after use.

    I dont plan on doing heavy cycles i just wanna add muscles.

    thanks for the advise on win V i wont give it to my gf thanks a lot, well she doesnt need this anyways here weight is getting down very good and has soon has here back problems are fixed she will be doing tae bo so she can look like carmen electra (lolol)

  2. #2
    Mike Guest
    winny and EQ stack great together but I dont know what you;re trying to do with your body right now - a good novice cycle for EQ/winny would be 400-600EQ/wk for wks 1-10 and wks 4-10 run winny at 50mg/day ED

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Thumbs up max i just wanna add muscles

    i wanna lose love handles and build quality muscles, and i wanna try keeping what i can after the cycle.

    If it can make my arms bigger a little bit and my shoulders wider it ok, just wanna choc my body.

    Win and equipose are the 2 thing i could get from a good source becose the guy that sells at my gym sells shit.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    good stack

    this is a professional opinion(str8 from my agent!).this is how they have me do it and the results are great for me.since i can't get too big. EQ eod(100mgs-150mgs/shot)(personally i think 100mgs is enough for a newbie) w/ halo weeks 1-4/5 then winny eod or ed depending on your bf%(i can get away w/ doign it eod w/ amazing results) for weeks 5- 8/9.i use hcg weeks 4, 8, 9.two shots each week.last two weekes i'm not everything i start taurine( 4gms a day) and creatine (5 gms a day) and keep that up for one month.i have never lost more than 2-3 lbs afterward.not saying everyone will agree on this board but it works great for me.i can't have a smooth appearance so i have to do it this way.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    my bad i forgot

    halo i do 20 mgs a day.i have done 30mgs but personally i find 20 is fine.i only get 10mg halo so i don't feel like cutting pills in half, it's 20-30 for me

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