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    Nstart is offline Associate Member
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    Any AAS to shut down your attraction towards women?

    I know some of you may be smirking at this thread, and have nothing good to add. If this is you, then please don't post, just leave this thread.

    As a computer science major, I changed the way I think about everything. I always have to ask and try and figure out the answers to obscure questions most people don't really care about. This leads me to this thread.

    I was curious recently and began researching the so called "negative" side-effects of AAS and one thing I could not find an answer to is this topic at hand. I know there are multiple compounds of steroids that can kill your sex drive, but do they actually kill your ability to get an erection or is it deeper then this in regards to it actually numbing or killing your attraction toward the opposite sex. Anyone with first hand experience would probably know the answer to this.

    Are there actually substances that men can take to numb their natural sexual attraction toward the opposite sex? A drug which has a side-effect to completely mask a healthy male's ability to hold interest in a beautiful women?

    Also, what about the other side of the fence? Many of us know of "deca dick" but does this side-effect have a direct translation or correlation if a female where to take it? Does it numb or kill their sex drive or emotional attraction toward men? I found a lot of information regarding men and steroids, but the amount of information dealing with women and specific side-effects to steroids is very limited.

    This is just a theoretical question I could not find an answer to and I was hoping someone like Merc or one of the other vets knows the answer or at least can help me learn more about the questions I posted above.


  2. #2
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    NATE0406's Avatar
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    huh there is no chemical in the world that could possiably make me not like woman..

  4. #4
    Nstart is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NATE0406 View Post
    huh there is no chemical in the world that could possiably make me not like woman..
    I know for a fact there are drugs (derivatives of modern day anti-depressant drugs) that are given to sex addicts and it used to be given to child molesters, and rapists years ago to "control them".

  5. #5
    jaydub's Avatar
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    wait.. where am I?..
    Quote Originally Posted by Nstart View Post
    I know for a fact there are drugs (derivatives of modern day anti-depressant drugs) that are given to sex addicts and it used to be given to child molesters, and rapists years ago to "control them".
    what? i didn't know that. but I don't there are any roids that'll do that

  6. #6
    NATE0406's Avatar
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    hmmm didnt know that either. but as far as aas i dont think so.. that is what we are talking about here right..

  7. #7
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    I turned gay from deca .

  8. #8
    RANA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RapaciousShark View Post
    I turned gay from deca .
    Me too, but as soon as I stopped taking it I was no longer gay. LOL

  9. #9
    goose is offline Banned
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    Stick to computers.....

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    thai007's Avatar
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    if you are straight already...i think you will be ok on AAS...

  11. #11
    jaydub's Avatar
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    wait.. where am I?..
    well... while on tren my uh, "it" would go limp like in the middle of the action... but I didn't wanna switch up and chase after guys lol. I better stay away from deca !

  12. #12
    Narkissos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nstart View Post
    I know for a fact there are drugs (derivatives of modern day anti-depressant drugs) that are given to sex addicts and it used to be given to child molesters, and rapists years ago to "control them".
    This is true.

    I can't think of any AAS that would fit the bill though.

    Sure, AAS affect the CNS as well as the brain... but the influence on neurotransmitter etc. isn't significant enough for your purpose.

    You'd have to look at different chemicals for sure.


  13. #13
    legobricks's Avatar
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    There are certain AAS compounds out there such as 19nor's that completely shut down your endogeneous testosterone production. Without having some sort of exogeneous Testosterone to run along side that compound you will experience things such as loss of libido, depression, mood swings, acne, increased aggression, etc.. the list goes on. I have first hand experience with running tren by itself and have experienced these things. The loss of your sex drive will not make you switch and go to the other team tho, loss of libido is loss of desire wich will make you not desire sex as much no matter what team your playing for. I personally have had this problem but could still get erections, it was more of the lack of desire to have sex that is affected. Once again there is no AAS or other compound out there that will make you switch sides going from female to male; as stated loss of libido is loss of desire which results in not even thinking of having sex (the term "deca dick" most likely comes from not only the loss of desire but while having intercourse or before intercourse you could go limp DUE to having no libido). I agree your thinking too much into this and should stick to computers bud

    Now If you run testosterone along side of any compound it will replace the testosterone that was lost in your body resulting in normal functioning OR a huge increase in functioning (libido). When injecting any AAS substance, your body willl recognize it as test and begin to supress or shut down your endogeneous testosterone production. BUT if you do not have an exogeneous form of testosterone coming in, your body cannot use that AAS compound as Testosterone unless it IS testosterone. You catchin on???

  14. #14
    Rotary's Avatar
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    tren a will break your dong

  15. #15
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nstart View Post
    I know for a fact there are drugs (derivatives of modern day anti-depressant drugs) that are given to sex addicts and it used to be given to child molesters, and rapists years ago to "control them".

    Medroxy-Progesterone Acetate is given to sex offenders to lower thier sex drive ..

    Progesterone has been used for quite sometime for rapist and other criminals to reduce thier craving for sex...


  16. #16
    boss4romdabay's Avatar
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    lol wtf! are you asking from experience??? well im sure a "straight" man on aas would never worry about losing there atraction nor sex drive for women!!!

  17. #17
    tadpoleboyy is offline Member
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    i believe that many of the drugs they give to sex offenders are ANTI androgens. They also give them things that reduce libido as a side effect (naltrexone, anti-psycotics, etc). They also give them drugs that just reduce test. levels, like estrogens and stuff. Yea, pretty messed up, i dont think that is the kinda stuff you're looking for.

    Ive never taken anything without test, but i can kinda of inversely answer your question-
    When on more test, i notice women everywhere, and practically drool on myself. I think things like, yea id go for that, oh man id love to get with her, blablabla. Basically every peice of ass gets me excited, unless the woman is just nasty or fat as hell. But im pretty sure i was finding women attractive on cycle that i would not normally be attracted to off cycle. And i could do it better than ever. So for me, the effects were mental and physical in terms of sexual thoughts and preformance. I would assume that the opposite would be true if you ran something to lower your test. Its kinda fun to look at so many women and have little daydream fantasies... but very distracting
    Last edited by tadpoleboyy; 03-13-2008 at 06:37 PM.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merc. View Post
    Medroxy-Progesterone Acetate is given to sex offenders to lower thier sex drive ..

    Progesterone has been used for quite sometime for rapist and other criminals to reduce thier craving for sex...


    Thanks, I now know what I'll be giving my kids until their graduated from college.

  19. #19
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by legobricks View Post
    There are certain AAS compounds out there such as 19nor's that completely shut down your endogeneous testosterone production. Without having some sort of exogeneous Testosterone to run along side that compound you will experience things such as loss of libido, depression, mood swings, acne, increased aggression, etc.. the list goes on. I have first hand experience with running tren by itself and have experienced these things. The loss of your sex drive will not make you switch and go to the other team tho, loss of libido is loss of desire wich will make you not desire sex as much no matter what team your playing for. I personally have had this problem but could still get erections, it was more of the lack of desire to have sex that is affected. Once again there is no AAS or other compound out there that will make you switch sides going from female to male; as stated loss of libido is loss of desire which results in not even thinking of having sex (the term "deca dick" most likely comes from not only the loss of desire but while having intercourse or before intercourse you could go limp DUE to having no libido). I agree your thinking too much into this and should stick to computers bud

    Now If you run testosterone along side of any compound it will replace the testosterone that was lost in your body resulting in normal functioning OR a huge increase in functioning (libido). When injecting any AAS substance, your body willl recognize it as test and begin to supress or shut down your endogeneous testosterone production. BUT if you do not have an exogeneous form of testosterone coming in, your body cannot use that AAS compound as Testosterone unless it IS testosterone. You catchin on???
    yea, progesterone (and synthetic progestins like Nandrolone ) can kill sex drive...


  20. #20
    orton4 is offline Member
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    i am on test prop, tren a, tren e and eq and i can not stop thinking about and hafta be in constant communication with a bunch of different girls... i cant stop thinking about sex and girls...

  21. #21
    mick-g's Avatar
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    I heard there is a drug that will physically castrate a male. Used on repeated sex offenders. But i would say doing any 19no without any pct or AI's during will basically kill it. You will still notice if a girl is attractive, but wont have any interest. Now with women, all i know is that perimenopause and menopause will kill it for sure. No interest whatsoever, lol, but i do not have a clue as to what hormones will do this prematurely that are self induced. Maybe a woman can chime in on this.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by mick-g View Post
    I heard there is a drug that will physically castrate a male.
    What's it do ? Make your dong rot off ?

  23. #23
    MikeAZ's Avatar
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    From what I have read, Lego hit it on the head. I have a friend that took a deca only cycle and had a real hard time getting it up! It was so bad his girl would call him out on it infront of our friends! LOL, poor dude I tried to tell him to put some test in his cycle.

  24. #24
    Nstart is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by thai007 View Post
    if you are straight already...i think you will be ok on AAS...
    Not once did I mention turning a straight male gay. I was talking about straight men being numb in regards to them not being attracted to women or any human for that matter.

  25. #25
    Nstart is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by legobricks View Post
    The loss of your sex drive will not make you switch and go to the other team tho, loss of libido is loss of desire wich will make you not desire sex as much no matter what team your playing for. I personally have had this problem but could still get erections, it was more of the lack of desire to have sex that is affected.

    You catchin on???
    Thank you. You're entire post answered my question completely. But I just wanted to point this section out to you.

    I never meant for anyone to think my thread implied "switching teams". By numb, I meant having no desire to have sex and even further, an inability to not have any emotional attraction to a beautiful women (and of course assuming you are 100% straight). I did not mean to imply that this would cause someone to turn gay. What I mean was just lacking any emotional desire or to be attracted to a female.

  26. #26
    Nstart is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by boss4romdabay View Post
    lol wtf! are you asking from experience??? well im sure a "straight" man on aas would never worry about losing there atraction nor sex drive for women!!!
    No, I did not mean this question to have anything to do with turning a straight guy gay.

    I recently did my first cycle consisting of sus and my sex drive was through the roof (with ONLY women).

  27. #27
    Nstart is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mick-g View Post
    You will still notice if a girl is attractive, but wont have any interest. Now with women, all i know is that perimenopause and menopause will kill it for sure. No interest whatsoever, lol, but i do not have a clue as to what hormones will do this prematurely that are self induced. Maybe a woman can chime in on this.
    This is EXACTLY what answer I was looking for. "You will still notice if a girl is attractive, but wont have any interest." I don't know why so many people thought I was talking about turning a straight guy gay.

    Basically what you are saying is (assuming a male is 100% straight) that when they are on such a compound, and they come across a beautiful looking girl, their desire to have sex with them is greatly diminished to the point where they don't really even desire it. If they are working at their desk doing paper work and a beautiful girl walks right in front of you, you will glance up, be like "meh" and then go back to doing your work.

  28. #28
    Nstart is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeAZ View Post
    From what I have read, Lego hit it on the head. I have a friend that took a deca only cycle and had a real hard time getting it up! It was so bad his girl would call him out on it infront of our friends! LOL, poor dude I tried to tell him to put some test in his cycle.
    Was it because he couldn't get it up or had no desire to have sex with her, or both? This is basically the question I was asking above.

  29. #29
    legobricks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nstart View Post
    Thank you. You're entire post answered my question completely. But I just wanted to point this section out to you.

    I never meant for anyone to think my thread implied "switching teams". By numb, I meant having no desire to have sex and even further, an inability to not have any emotional attraction to a beautiful women (and of course assuming you are 100% straight). I did not mean to imply that this would cause someone to turn gay. What I mean was just lacking any emotional desire or to be attracted to a female.
    LoL. yeah i caught onto that after i posted. Whether you are straight or not some compounds will affect your desire to have sex.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nstart View Post
    Was it because he couldn't get it up or had no desire to have sex with her, or both? This is basically the question I was asking above.
    Both, he had trouble getting it up when she threw herself on him and did not make any moves with her. LOL poor girl she didn’t even know he was on the juice. Bet that made her feel pretty crappy about herself! She was hot as hell too!

  31. #31
    CheddaNips is offline Senior Member
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    ESPN just said steroids turn you into a gay flacid man

  32. #32
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    Taclotsabone enurface is an AAS which has been known to cause odd changes to a man's sexual desires, but I have no direct experience with that.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by CheddaNips View Post
    ESPN just said steroids turn you into a gay flacid man
    Gay AND flacid?? I'd rather just be gay.

  34. #34
    lmsays is offline New Member
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    I tried to keep my sex drive in a normal range by using far more nandrolone than test on a cycle and it didn't work. Sex drive was still way up. God, I think the blend was 175mg nan phenylp 25mg test p. She still noticed my increased sex drive. Went from needing ass 3-4 times a week to sometimes more than once a day.

  35. #35
    Narkissos's Avatar
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    19-nors 'can' decrease libido.

    ..but it isn't uniformal.

    I know plenty of people, especially those with naturally watery builds (or those who react negatively to test) who're excluding test from their cycles... and running straight 19-nors.

    A vet here... BajanBastard... His first cycle was tren -A only.

    No decrease in sex drive.. No erectile dysfunction.

    So w/ AAS it's hit or miss.

    Never uniformal hits.


  36. #36
    ChuckLee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nstart View Post
    I know for a fact there are drugs (derivatives of modern day anti-depressant drugs) that are given to sex addicts and it used to be given to child molesters, and rapists years ago to "control them".
    Ther would be something else to administer to that people...something way more workable.


  37. #37
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
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    Nstart, from your original post, it seems you are confusing steroids ' effect on libido with sexual orientation.... I'm not saying that that's what you intended...but that's just how it sounded... the way you kept on repeating "with the opposite sex" so many times, almost as if a straight person would turn gay or something from gear usage. A decreased sex drive does not equate to a change in sexual orientation... but i think you already knew that...

    just my humble .02

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rotary View Post
    Thanks, I now know what I'll be giving my kids until their graduated from college.
    Looking at the location you have put that would not surprise me

  39. #39
    NightWolf's Avatar
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    PROLACTIN is the nr 1 sexdrive killer for men.
    When you have sex with a women and your done,
    your body will release prolactin. <-- and that is what will make you feel
    that you dont want to jump on that girl again for atleast 1 hour

  40. #40
    shifty_git's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NightWolf View Post
    PROLACTIN is the nr 1 sexdrive killer for men.
    When you have sex with a women and your done,
    your body will release prolactin. <-- and that is what will make you feel
    that you dont want to jump on that girl again for atleast 1 hour
    hail caber for long filthy sex sessions!!!

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