Okay, there was a post recently about how you waste your juice from injecting gear. If you withdraw about 2cc, u actually end up using 2.2cc or something like that.
What I want to know is this, lets say say I withdraw, 2cc, and inject the test into my quad. I then take the needle, and PULL BACK on the syringe, so that the extra juice in the needle IS NOT wasted. I then put on a FRESH pin and LEAVE the needle for my NEXT injection. Which I would be doing in 4 days (every 4 days I do 2cc). This way, I would not be wasting any extra juice.
However, I was wondering is this sanitary? Can the test inside the needle get infected? I mean like germs n shit, whatever you call it.
Plz let me know fast, my next injection is Wed. I've already lost about 1.5 cc's total, I don't want my cycle to end up being too short. So CAN I DO THIS???