For those who have used NPP, how long did it take until you noticed size and strength increases?
For those who have used NPP, how long did it take until you noticed size and strength increases?
the times ive used the strenth gains were very quick almost like an oral but the size came after 5-8wks..
not on the npp now but when i was... eq and tren...Done enuff cycles to know what to attribute the strength from and it did help My boy LOVES npp but im not as sold on it.. Im interested 2see what other guys opinions are on it as well im surprised more havnt posted on it...
I loved the stuff..
Strength started rising after a couple of doses, real increases in size n gains came after it was in the system 2-3 weeks.
But the thing i liked most was having blood work done after my first cycle of it (admittedly after pct) and my levels were amazingly close to what my levels were way b4 the cycle. No nasty long term lingering like deca but with all the benefits.
I've done a NPP cycle on it's own, (no test) with HCG and full PCT. I used 150mg every third day,(450mg per week) for 8 weeks.The first 4 doses were front loaded. I should have used it EOD but I run out of Injection sites. I started getting strength gains at the end of the second week. By the end of the third week, I weighed myself and had put on 3.0 kg. At the end of the cycle, I finished up putting on 7.0kg and held onto 5.0kg. I recon it's a fairly quick & decent muscle builder provided you use enough and frequently enough. You should front load it if you want quicker results.
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