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Thread: I'd like to run my first and only cycle ever, and want to get the most of it (help)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    I'd like to run my first and only cycle ever, and want to get the most of it (help)

    I've been reading up on these forums lately and I've decided that I want to run a cycle, and it will be the only one I ever run. Yes I know that's what a lot of people probably say but I really mean it. From what I've gathered this is what a beginners cycle would like (I know usually only Test E is recommended)

    1-12 Test-E 500 mg a week
    1-10 Deca 300mg a week
    1-4 Dbol 40mg ED for kick start
    PCT: clomid

    I get the feeling that since this(usually just Test-E) is recommended for people on their first cycle that it isn't as effective for putting on mass as some other cycles. I'm not saying it's not effective for putting on mass.

    And these beginners are told to use that cycle sort of to prepare for another more potent cycle down the road. But since I'm not going to run another cycle later on, I don't see the point in taking it "slow".

    I was wondering if there are any better cycles I could take that would help me put on more mass than the standard Test-E cycle, no matter how much more difficult it maybe on my body.

    my stats

    22 years old
    2.5 years training seriously

    Diet : 3000 calories a day. 300protein/300 carbs/60 fat

    I know I'm no where near my genetic limit yet, but I'm just so sick of being small. It really sucks at my height. My training and diet are fine, but I know there's only a certain amount of muscle your body can create when you're natural and it takes time. I just want to gain some noticeable size from one cycle and then continue to go at it naturally and slowly.

    I know this is long, but thanks for reading it and I appreciate any advice you have to offer.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    minus the deca looks good. up your call to 5000 yull need it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    United States
    wow your pretty small bro. i would also drop the deca and run it like that

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    why only one cycle? If you react well, i dont see why you wouldnt cycle again, and after this one you wont see any reason not to either. I dont like your PCT btw

  5. #5
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    United States
    i would run aromasin and nolva for pct instead of the clomid

  6. #6
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    Mar 2008
    looks like a good first cycle 2me..u got test and deca which i recommend 2pretty much everyone 4a first cycle and a decent jump start.. I agree w/pietro on the pct,yrs ago it was unheard of now it seems like every1 is usin nolva in there pct...

  7. #7
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    There is no reason for deca on a first cycle.
    Why is it you plan to do just one cycle?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    United States
    that is wierd how times have changed because i would of laughed 5 years ago if someone told me to use nolve for pct and now i run it everytime. actually i never used anything except clomid back then

  9. #9
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    To be honest before coming to this site I thought Nolvadex was the standard for PCT, but then I started searching threads here and I saw that everybody was using Clomid instead.

    The reason I only want to do one cycle, hope I don't offend anybody, is because I don't want to keep going through the process of lying to people, hiding things, injections, side effects, breaking the law and risking getting caught, etc. Plus it's expensive. But I would be more than willing to do it for four months. I don't mind making much smaller gains staying natural as long as I can gain that decent amount of mass from only one cycle.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    bog standard pct nolvadex and clomid............
    go take a look at Anthony Roberts pct................

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    At that weight, don't even do a cycle, get a proper diet, eat as much as you can

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    There is no reason for deca on a first cycle.
    Why is it you plan to do just one cycle?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by breakbones View Post
    At that weight, don't even do a cycle, get a proper diet, eat as much as you can
    At 5'2, 140lbs is much different than it is for the average sized guy. I think my diet is fine too, 3000 calories : 40/40/20 split and it only consists of Chicken breasts, brown rice, oats, whole wheat bread, whey, milk, lean beef, almonds, fruits, potatoes, broccoli, wheat pasta, and fish oil.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Scott View Post
    At 5'2, 140lbs is much different than it is for the average sized guy. I think my diet is fine too, 3000 calories : 40/40/20 split and it only consists of Chicken breasts, brown rice, oats, whole wheat bread, whey, milk, lean beef, almonds, fruits, potatoes, broccoli, wheat pasta, and fish oil.
    Then eat more. Seems simple to me. Plus I'd diversify. No egg?

  15. #15
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    Melbourne, Australia.
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Scott View Post
    At 5'2, 140lbs is much different than it is for the average sized guy. I think my diet is fine too, 3000 calories : 40/40/20 split and it only consists of Chicken breasts, brown rice, oats, whole wheat bread, whey, milk, lean beef, almonds, fruits, potatoes, broccoli, wheat pasta, and fish oil.
    hope i don't get up anyone's nose but i say go for it. imo you're the most informed and together "noob" that i've seen in my short time in this forum. can't fault a single thing in your reasoning, including your reasons for 1 cycle only. actually seems like you have a good enough grasp to decide for yourself. test-e, nandrolone undecanoate was recommended to me as great second cycle, ultimately it's your choice. i can't see any reason for you not to go with the cycle that you listed imo. looks good. check out pheedno and stocky121 pct's as well as anthony roberts. hope you get freakin massive on your 1 cycle. good luck bro.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbonez19 View Post
    hope i don't get up anyone's nose but i say go for it. imo you're the most informed and together "noob" that i've seen in my short time in this forum. can't fault a single thing in your reasoning, including your reasons for 1 cycle only. actually seems like you have a good enough grasp to decide for yourself. test-e, nandrolone undecanoate was recommended to me as great second cycle, ultimately it's your choice. i can't see any reason for you not to go with the cycle that you listed imo. looks good. check out pheedno and stocky121 pct's as well as anthony roberts. hope you get freakin massive on your 1 cycle. good luck bro.
    Thanks man, I really appreciate it.

    Quote Originally Posted by RapaciousShark View Post
    Then eat more. Seems simple to me. Plus I'd diversify. No egg?
    Then I'd just be putting on extra fat. When you're natural your body has certain limits on how much muscle it can build no matter how many calories you consume. I make sure that I'm not starving my gains by eating too close to maintenance in order to avoid fat gain, but I also don't want to go over board and eat much more than I need.

    Oh yeah and I do eat eggs a few times a week.

  17. #17
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Your weight really isn't that bad for your height, but I still recommend test only for a first cycle.

  18. #18
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    Melbourne, Australia.
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Scott View Post
    Thanks man, I really appreciate it.

    Then I'd just be putting on extra fat. When you're natural your body has certain limits on how much muscle it can build no matter how many calories you consume. I make sure that I'm not starving my gains by eating too close to maintenance in order to avoid fat gain, but I also don't want to go over board and eat much more than I need.

    Oh yeah and I do eat eggs a few times a week.
    it's refreshing to hear someone say that. like if you add more cals to your diet you will just grow forever. it doesn't work that way. you grow to your genetic potential and then you stop. it doesn't matter how many or what type of cals you consume. over a certain point you will just get fat. o.k. maybe you haven't quite reached your potential but that last 10% gains can take forever. look i screwed around in my mid 20's with AAS and made moderate gains, due to bad advice. but for the past 10 years i have flogged my body trying to reach the strength and size that i envisioned for myself naturally. i've tried e'thing in the natural realm. i've ended up at 37 with a decent semi-natural physique but my joints are hammered from trying to reach results that others obtained with "help". wish i had of had the info you do 10 years ago, i would have done exactly what you are planning. only difference is i am a bit of a risk taker and prob would continue to cycle. your plans make complete sense to me. o.k. i'm done oh, and i would listen to Big if i were you, so you have to do 2 probs.
    Last edited by jbonez19; 03-15-2008 at 09:53 PM.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    Your weight really isn't that bad for your height, but I still recommend test only for a first cycle.
    But what if I only plan on running one cycle, would I be making the most gains possible by only using Test or are there other stuff out there that give me more gains but at the same time be harder for me to handle.

  20. #20
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    With fresh receptors, great gains can be made from test only. Your gains will largely be determined by diet and training, the cycle is only the icing on the cake. Including deca won't cause you harm so to speak, it just isn't really needed on a first.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Scott View Post
    I've been reading up on these forums lately and I've decided that I want to run a cycle, and it will be the only one I ever run. Yes I know that's what a lot of people probably say but I really mean it. From what I've gathered this is what a beginners cycle would like (I know usually only Test E is recommended)

    1-12 Test-E 500 mg a week
    1-10 Deca 300mg a week
    1-4 Dbol 40mg ED for kick start
    PCT: clomid

    I get the feeling that since this(usually just Test-E) is recommended for people on their first cycle that it isn't as effective for putting on mass as some other cycles. I'm not saying it's not effective for putting on mass.

    And these beginners are told to use that cycle sort of to prepare for another more potent cycle down the road. But since I'm not going to run another cycle later on, I don't see the point in taking it "slow".

    I was wondering if there are any better cycles I could take that would help me put on more mass than the standard Test-E cycle, no matter how much more difficult it maybe on my body.

    my stats

    22 years old
    2.5 years training seriously

    Diet : 3000 calories a day. 300protein/300 carbs/60 fat

    I know I'm no where near my genetic limit yet, but I'm just so sick of being small. It really sucks at my height. My training and diet are fine, but I know there's only a certain amount of muscle your body can create when you're natural and it takes time. I just want to gain some noticeable size from one cycle and then continue to go at it naturally and slowly.

    I know this is long, but thanks for reading it and I appreciate any advice you have to offer.

    This doesnt add up to me. You know you can gain more naturally but you complain of not being able to gain...?

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    scratch that, I see where i got confused. Enjoy your cycle.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    wow 5'2" and 140lbs. def not bad for your height. I do see however why you feel that you could do a cycle of AAS to grow a bit fast. Comon guys, we all (most of us) started off way before our natural potential limit just to get an edge on most and get there faster. OBVIOSLY you have to have some type of base and it seems this guys knows this. Remember he is only 5'2"....not like some of these 6 foot guys who are a buck 20 and wanting to blow up huge from AAS cus they are magic beans (yes lex57 i said it) I say go for it and make sure to study up on how AAS affects your body (chemically) as well as research out a good PCT and have everythign on hand before starting. adjust your calories while on cycle as in, if your not growing or barely growin on 3000, bump to 3500. And whne you start gaining, your going to also need to increase your diet to accompany your gains. IF you notice gaining to much fat then cut back a bit on cals. Its a bit different than guys taller as we need more cals to grow but wish you the best of luck so happy growing!

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