Hi just wondering if any of you have any info or experience regarding (pGH) or Pituitary Growth Hormone which is an oral version of (HGH). It is produced by 'Anabolic Research LLC' and supplied by
www.roidstrore.com and
www.buysteroids.com. It sounds like a truly ********** product if its claims are true because as well as canceling the need for frequent injections which wouldnt bother me anyway, the price was the really throwing factor at just 179 dollars a month. I was thinking of running this product with various on/off cycles for a period of 9 months and I would like to ask my uk

store owner about stocking this product which claims to give the same benifits as (HGH).
Any info and/or reveiws, past experience with this product would be grately appreciated.
I await your reply, Regards!