A few very simple question... First, are Clomifene and tamoxifen anti-estrogens? ...and if they are which one more effective?
I have been bodybuilding for more than 4 years now…im almost 30. 6’5, 250 LB. I work out 4 days a week, eat 6 meals a day. On my current program, my meals consist of %60 protein, %30 carbs and %10 fat. So basically, I’m up to par with my training and diet. I’ve never used steroids b4 but I’m interested in using anti-estrogens since im at around %25 fat.
So my 2nd question is. Is it ok (considering the info above) that I use anti-estrogens without having to use testosterone?
And finally….if its ok…what is the recommended dosage and cycle.
Thanks a lot for your input guys. And I know what you guys will say…do my research, but I just wanted a quick answer. Just to see if its possible and then ill do my research. Basically your answer will tell me what path to take . So thanks again.