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Thread: test e and equipose ?

  1. #1

    test e and equipose ?

    hey a friend has just bought 20 vials of test enanthate 250 and 2 10 ml bottles of eqipose he doesnt no if there should be an oral steroid in the stack i sugested nap 50s would that be a bad idea for him. oh and how much of the equipose would you recomend to inject. i also thought equipose was a cutter am i wrong to think that ?

    thnks chris

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
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    For starters it's just about impossible to give appropriate cycle advice without full stats and cycle experience.

  3. #3
    heght 6ft 1
    weight 15 stone
    fat percentage 15 to 20 (im guessing that but he prety well defined)

    past courses: sustanon deca dianabol 6 week, trenbalone im prety sure he didnt stack that with any thing 6 week, and he has done his pct after each course. and is now just looking for alot of size gains. so if you could sugest anything else to take il pass the info on

    thnks chris

  4. #4
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  5. #5
    hes 22

  6. #6
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    equipose is not a cutter mate. It can be stacked with some cut steroids to make it a cut cycle but if you are going to stack it with test it will kinda get a clean bulk cycle. Since it does not aromatize much. As for dosing, I would go for 400-600mg a week. You need to dose bold high for some results, but more than 600 won't make much of a difference. Note that equipose has a verry long ester so you will have to take it atleast for 12 weeks or so. You say that your friend is looking for a lot of size and gains. Well in this case I am not really sure if a test/bold cycle will be satisfying. I hear a lot of different story's but in most cases the results are not that great. But keep in mind that it's quality mass that you are going to put on, not much bloated gains like deca. Right now I am running a test/bold cycle myself. I just finished my second week and I must say my diet this past 2 weeks was a little off. I was too busy with college and shit, but I gained about 9 pounds so far. Anyways good luck.

  7. #7
    so stacking equipose with a test will actually give him biger good quality muscle instead of alot of water restention he will like that. doesnt equipose give you more red blood cells aswell so doesnt that mean his cv should improve

    thanks chris

  8. #8
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    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by chris norris View Post
    so stacking equipose with a test will actually give him biger good quality muscle instead of alot of water restention he will like that. doesnt equipose give you more red blood cells aswell so doesnt that mean his cv should improve

    thanks chris
    He might still have a little bit of water retention since the test does convert to estrogen. So the water retention factor is mostly influenced by the dose of the test he is going to take. I don't know how senstive he is to this, but if he could keep proviron or masteron or a anti-estrogen in mind for this case. As for the red blood cells, yes it's true that equipose does increase red blood cells but so do all the other steroids. It's more that equipose's effect on the red blood cells is slighty higher than other steroids. Do not expect though that his cv will increase only because of that, there are more factors playing a roll with your cv. Most likely hiss cv will even decrease since he is going to put on more mass.
    Last edited by Towel; 03-16-2008 at 05:29 PM.

  9. #9
    so can u sugest any oral steroid for this stack for him as he is after injecting tomora unless there is a oral steroid or will this do fine. i dont think the water retention will bother him so much but il show him this thread tomorow before he digs him self. oh wer would u sugest the best site of injection for him aswell

    thanks chris

    he was planning on his glutes he has only ever injected there

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by chris norris View Post
    so can u sugest any oral steroid for this stack for him as he is after injecting tomora unless there is a oral steroid or will this do fine. i dont think the water retention will bother him so much but il show him this thread tomorow before he digs him self. oh wer would u sugest the best site of injection for him aswell

    thanks chris

    he was planning on his glutes he has only ever injected there
    well i am not sure. It's better that someone else answers this question, since i have never worked with orals. He doesn't have much options. A couple options: dbol/anavar/drol. Dbol will give some strenght and good gaines, but mostly water. But it will give you a good start in the the cycle. Var will increase strenght, you wont get water retention. Anadrol will add gaines and strenght, but it also has water retention. So it's up to him what he is after. He doesn't necessarily need to take a oral. Test/bold will also do fine.

    There is no best injecting site, only injecting sites you should not do hehe. He is probably going to do 2cc or more shots each time. So I wouldn't put that in small muscles. Stick with glutes and thigh.

  11. #11
    ok cheers buddy youve been a great help

  12. #12
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    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by chris norris View Post
    ok cheers buddy youve been a great help
    no problem glad i could help you out
    well i am off to the kitchen to raid the fridge and then get some sleep.

    btw is he really considers a oral i would go for var

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