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Thread: Pct? :s

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    South Africa

    Arrow Pct? :s

    Hey guys. I need some advice for a PCT.
    I will be using Deca, sustanon, d-bol and Cypionate ( Depatrone)

    1. Depatrone - 10 weeks (250mg/week)
    2. Sustanon - 10 weeks (500mg/week)
    3. D-Bol - 5 weeks (30mg/day)
    4. Deca - 5 weeks (250mg/week)

    My stats are:
    Age: 23
    Length: 1.78 meters
    Weight: 71kg
    Bodyfat: 10%

    Lifting experience: 3 years

    What should i do with my PCT and what do I use in it for how long etc??

    Thanks for the help guys.
    Last edited by Pala; 03-17-2008 at 05:15 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    UK - A Backward Part
    Check out the PCT section and look at the stickies outlining 'Pheednos' PCT and 'Anthony Roberts' PCT - either are used by a lot of guys here.

    PCT should start 2 weeks after ya jast injection.

    But on the cycle its self, why you running deca for only 5 weeks at that dose? It for ya joins rather than gains?

    And why run test c and sus at the same time?

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