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  1. #1
    babi is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    should i continue???

    i just measured my blood pressure at 150/90.i just starting a cycle of fina also(2 shots in)and i dont know if i should continue with the cycle.and i also dont know if those two shots of fina have already elevated my bp or if i have a prexcisting condition.will it get much worst if i do a two month cycle at a 100 mlg eod?that motherfuck that measured it scared me though he is like you should go to a doc immediatly guys your age (25)should have it at 120/ i am sure most of you bros that have exp with roids are not new to this please give me some advice with this issue

  2. #2
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I'm the same age as you and I would be alitte concerened if my b/p was that high after 2 shots.
    I would go to a Dr. and ask be straight w/ him and see what he says cuz none of us on this board are Dr.'s.
    Did you have high b/p before you started?
    Also alot of ppl's b/p rise's when on. I know mine does....

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