I'll be the first to admit I am new to this so please don't flame me I have alot of lifting experience 5 years. I'm 23 and 6'0 225lbs I just don't really know alot about gear. I've been wanting to give it a shot for sometime and I found out I could get some from a roomates friend. I don't personnally know the guy but he recommended I run the following cycle. I'll be the first to admit I should have researched the site before I purchased all this but its already a done deal.
Winnie 125 10cc
1st week 1/2cc EOD
After 1cc EOD
Masteron 200mg 10cc
1cc EOD
Take out at very end.
Sustanon 300mg 10cc
1cc Every 4 days
Winnie & Test (After 2 Weeks)
Then Winnie & Masteron
Supplements on cycle:
Liver Support
Vitamin B-12
PCT: (Nolva/Clomid)
Instead of listening to these vague directions and just taking it I thought I would come on here and get someone with experience to tell me first off how long I should run the cycle and is this even a good cycle to run? And if not if you had the following things how would you run them in detail? Thanks in advance for any positive help it is much appreciated.