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Thread: Adex and Nolva? which one for mild gyno?

  1. #1

    Adex and Nolva? which one for mild gyno?

    I have some mild gyno in my left pec that I got from adding finasteride to a cycle about a year ago... the funny thing is I have no big lump, just a bunch of tiny pea sized lumps ( I can squeeze them real hard and it doesn't hurt at all) My left pec is also full, kind of slightly squishy (i believe to be estrogen fat) I have been using adex @.5mg ed for this current cycle of test prop, var and tbol but it doesnt seem to be helping with the estrogen fat.... would I benefit from using Nolva instead of Adex for the remainder of my cycle (5 weeks more to go... I have used letro in the past but it shut down my sex drive pretty good and dried out my joints to the point where it hurt to work out) Im thinking also about getting some pgcl to inject into the pec....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    iv had this exact same problem. im on week 10 of a test enanthate 12 weeker with finasteride and i developed a gard patch under my right nipple. i started on nolvadex and since then the lump has dispersed. i was going to get letro but the nolva did the job for me. im just hoping that the gyno doesnt come back during PCT when my hormanone levels are fluctuating!! mt advice - hit the nolvadex hard. i did 80mg, then 60mg then 40mg for a week then im now down to 20mg. good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by sitries View Post
    iv had this exact same problem. im on week 10 of a test enanthate 12 weeker with finasteride and i developed a gard patch under my right nipple. i started on nolvadex and since then the lump has dispersed. i was going to get letro but the nolva did the job for me. im just hoping that the gyno doesnt come back during PCT when my hormanone levels are fluctuating!! mt advice - hit the nolvadex hard. i did 80mg, then 60mg then 40mg for a week then im now down to 20mg. good luck

    I'm glad it worked for you, but I dont think theres any reason to take more than 40mg a day. Maybe 60 the first day or two to load on it, but 80mg/day has got to be out right. No offense, seriously.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by sitries View Post
    iv had this exact same problem. im on week 10 of a test enanthate 12 weeker with finasteride and i developed a gard patch under my right nipple. i started on nolvadex and since then the lump has dispersed. i was going to get letro but the nolva did the job for me. im just hoping that the gyno doesnt come back during PCT when my hormanone levels are fluctuating!! mt advice - hit the nolvadex hard. i did 80mg, then 60mg then 40mg for a week then im now down to 20mg. good luck
    Bro, thanx for the heads up... Im definately gonna start on the Nolva 2nite and run it for a couple of weeks and see what happens.....

    Oh yeah, Im also running bromocriptine @ 5mg ed... I have a very little bit of discharge from nipple (Im thinking its a prolactin related issue as well as a gyno/estro issue)
    Last edited by Billytk03z; 03-18-2008 at 04:29 PM.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Billytk03z View Post
    I have some mild gyno in my left pec that I got from adding finasteride to a cycle about a year ago... the funny thing is I have no big lump, just a bunch of tiny pea sized lumps ( I can squeeze them real hard and it doesn't hurt at all) My left pec is also full, kind of slightly squishy (i believe to be estrogen fat) I have been using adex @.5mg ed for this current cycle of test prop, var and tbol but it doesnt seem to be helping with the estrogen fat.... would I benefit from using Nolva instead of Adex for the remainder of my cycle (5 weeks more to go... I have used letro in the past but it shut down my sex drive pretty good and dried out my joints to the point where it hurt to work out) Im thinking also about getting some pgcl to inject into the pec....
    I prefer AI's during cycle and NOLVA during PCT.

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