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  1. #1
    mad04007 is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2008

    how much deca with winny??

    so i am kinda of running a big cutter for the summer.

    anyways i am almost done with test cyp/ tren e

    i am going straight into a 7 week winny/ test prop followed by a good pct

    winny 100mg ed(i know its kinda alot), and prop 100mg eod

    question is....i am worried about my joints, i dont want joint promblems cause i run alot and play alot of basketball, rauqetball, football etc.....

    so i am thinking about getting some deca too and running it at a low dose just to help my joints.....maybe like 200mg a week?? i dont know....just trying to cover all my bases..

    any thoughts??

  2. #2
    CheddaNips is offline Senior Member
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    Apr 2007
    The Steel City
    i think tai runs deca every cycle for that reason (correct me if im wrong tai)

    200mg/wk should be good IMO

  3. #3
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Jun 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by mad04007 View Post
    so i am kinda of running a big cutter for the summer.

    anyways i am almost done with test cyp/ tren e

    i am going straight into a 7 week winny/ test prop followed by a good pct

    winny 100mg ed(i know its kinda alot), and prop 100mg eod

    question is....i am worried about my joints, i dont want joint promblems cause i run alot and play alot of basketball, rauqetball, football etc.....

    so i am thinking about getting some deca too and running it at a low dose just to help my joints.....maybe like 200mg a week?? i dont know....just trying to cover all my bases..

    any thoughts??
    IMO DECA works best at 2mg per pound of bodyweight.

  4. #4
    sphincter is offline Member
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    Sep 2007
    I see nothing wrond with adding low dose deca for the jointbenefits as long as you know it will still add some water retention so an AI might help avoid any puffyness for the summer.

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