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Thread: WTF is going on? Went from 221 to 210....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    Question WTF is going on? Went from 221 to 210....


    Guys, I dont know whats going on but I was getting a little worried. When I finished my cycle, I was 225 lbs.....Once I lost some water, I was around 220-221. I started clen on Monday, and am doing cardio 3x/week along with clean diet, and cutting carbs after 8:00. I weighed myself this morning after 1 meal, and I weighed 211 lbs.

    I'm leaning out slowly, but at this rate, I would have to be like 195 lbs to be defined, and like 190 to be ripped. I don't understand...

    Should I up my calories? Not cut carbs late? What should I do?

    Thanx guys, im a little worried.....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    what is your BF % maybe 190 is your wieght right now when you are ripped..nothing wrong with that...190 ripped you will look 200+

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    If I was guessing, I would say around 13%. I will go get tested soon....

    Should I stick with 120mcg's on Clen? I was planning on going up to 160mcg's, because I know my body can handle it. I don't even get shakes at all at 120mcg's.......But, afraid if I up the dose, I might burn off too much.....

    What do you think? ( I have 40mcg clen tabs )


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I don't think when coming off cycle you should be cutting carbs etc.. your body is not in good state to grow right now, low test, high estrogen, so by doing cardio and dieting, you MAY end up burning away all your gains. Normal to drop some water, but be careful. Personally I think you should eat and train hard no cardio no cutting calories until you feel you have recovered your HTPA from cycle. Of course using clomid etc..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    i'm with silverfox, i think you need to slow down and let your body get used to holding that weight.
    Hit the weights hard and master your diet.
    Look at it this way:
    With the clen, you're burning calories
    With the cardio, you're burning calories
    Dropping the carbs, you're not getting calories
    Slow down a bit, or at this rate, you're gonna waste away

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Originally posted by silverfox
    I don't think when coming off cycle you should be cutting carbs etc.. your body is not in good state to grow right now, low test, high estrogen, so by doing cardio and dieting, you MAY end up burning away all your gains. Normal to drop some water, but be careful. Personally I think you should eat and train hard no cardio no cutting calories until you feel you have recovered your HTPA from cycle. Of course using clomid etc..
    I agree totally. I was going to run dnp immediately following my cycle but instead decided to up cals a little and work on keeping those hard earned gains first. I'm at around the same bf as you at 6'2" 230lbs right now. I won't start cutting for another month - sucks having a little fat for a while, but it will pay off in the long run.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Guys, I think you got the wrong impression.

    After my cycle, I've MAINTAINED for 2 months already! It's not like I just finished my cycle, and I'm trying to jump into cardio and cutting calories. I kept my calories HIGH with NO cardio for 2 months post cycle....( about a month and half ).....I'm still keeping calories high..just taking Clen and doing cardio 3x/week for 30 min......

    From all my other posts, everybody said that would NOT be catabolic, and should burn off FAT.

    Give me input!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Detroit, Lansing
    ...maybe its the marijuana

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    No, definitely not. If anything, I would be getting bigger from eating so many calories.

    So what are you guys telling me? Should I just bulk for another month or so and save the clen? Need answers tonight so I can stop the clen tomorrow if thats the final decision!!!


    P.S. If I bulk for another month, I should bulk the whole damn winter and put on another 20-25 lbs.....LOL......tell me what ya guys think HONESTLY...I HATE BEING FAT!!!!!! NEED ABS! DAMNNNNNN

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ok guys, I really think I'm going to BULK throughout winter until January. I plan on hitting my cycle in January, and it will be a cutting cycle consisting of : ( Prop/EQ/Fina/Winny/Clen, or maybe no Winny )...

    I am going to hold off on the clen and save it to take post cycle in January. This way, I can put on 20-25 lbs over the winter, and start cutting in January. I should be LEAN by April, which is perfect timing.

    What do you guys think? Smart plan? Or should I re-think?

    Give me advice........ I shouldn't worry about the fat gain during winter because that cutting cycle should work wonders......

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Are you losing muscle? It sounds like you only have enough muscle to support 190-200 at low BF %. There is nothing wrong with that but it is not uncommon to lose 20-30lbs to get ripped. I go from a nice chubby 270 in the winter to a pretty ripped 239 during the summer. Like others have said let the mirror be your judge.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ok guys, I was re-considering, and I decided to stick with the Clen, Cardio 3x/week for 30 min, and clean diet. I am still getting plenty of carbs in during the day, just cutting them after 8:00 PM. I AM RETAINING MY MUSCLE, which I guess is all that matters!!!!

    So I think I am doing well. Thank you for opinions....Thank you Rickson, great advice...That helped me make decision...I need to cut down and get ripped, so when I hit next cycle, I can remain LEAN. Thanks guys!!!!!!

    I'll keep posted!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Try not to watch the scale. If your loosing strength than you might worry, but if you're just loosing weight but keeping most of your strength than I'd say it's just the fat you're loosing. I might be off a little bit but that's just my opinion.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Yes, I have been watching my strength closely. My strength has remained and actually gone up in MOST excersizes. The only thing it went down in was Chest, but I expected that...So I have been maintaining my strength pretty well......

    Any more opinions?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass
    sounds like you are doing ok to me, first i was gonna say like the boys cutting post cycle is a terrible idea, you can be sure to lose almost everthing, but 2 months later is cool, perhaps u naturally retain water alot more than some people, its not unknown to lose 10lb in 3 days for me with loss of water when start low carb diet and cardio, especially if I add clen eca and arimidex. You got the best advice watch your measurements and the mirror, I use a tape measure when cutting to see whats going on


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