Hey everyone,
Doing a short tbol/clen to get ready for an athletic competition and was hoping you would be able to critique it. I'm training for an event where you are measured on best Versa Climber (climbing simulation machine) distance in 3 minutes, max reps at 185 bench, max chins, max push ups, max sit ups, best time for 5min on treadmill, and best time for 1500m row. All events are spaced 5mins apart and the day begins with BF% check, flexibility test, and broad jump test. Each event weighs equally.
Since this is an athletic competition where low BF% and high endurance/muscular endurance is needed, I chose to go with TBol and Clen to help me out.
Stats: 6'2 204 10% BF
I have 2 options b/c I would like be around wk 4-5 of TBol during competition:
Option 1:
WK 1-6: 40/40/50/50/50/50 mg TBOL
WK 1-2: Clen
Wk 5-6: Clen
WK 7-8: 100 mg Clomid
Liv-52 throughout
Thinking about adding Tribulus wks 1-8.. as well as 6-Oxo wk 7-10. any comments on that??
Option 2:
WK 1-6: Same Tbol
WK 7-8: Clen
WK 7-8: Clomid
WK 11-12: Clen
Same questions regarding support supps (Trib, 6-Oxo)
I understand the downfalls of an oral only cycle, and any other time I wouldn't do it. But this is a different type of training and goals, and would appreciate it if you think this would be a good way to train for this competition.
Thanks in advance,