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Thread: Estrogen

  1. #1
    FortKnox36's Avatar
    FortKnox36 is offline Associate Member
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    Hey fellas,

    It is 7 months out of my cycle (1st one).

    I ran test E week 1-10 (250/week)
    I ran test prop week 7-12 (75 eod)
    I ran winny week 1-6 (50/day)

    All i did for PCT was nolvadex /clen stack. ( cant remember the exact dosage but it was legit )

    I got my testosterone tested 5months after the end of my PCT and my testosterone was actually higher than the avg dude my age. (21)

    Now its 7 months out....

    ...and I'm not sure but it seems my nipples are more sensitive than normal and when I pinch my right nipple it feels almost like a pressure point and I feel "stuff" there that kinda feels like cartiladge. Its not noticible from the outside (thank god) and my pecs dont seem too fatty, so im not too sure if its fatty build up from estrogen or not? My left nipple is not as sensitive but sometimes seems like it has that "stuff" right below the nipple skin.

    So I dunno guys...should I get my estrogen levels and test levels checked again? any suggestions? advice? etc?

    All appreciated,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    delayed gyno is an edpidemic, its too bad no one seems to want to know why it happens. No one can tell you what you're experiencing. Hold your arms above your head (one at a time), put ur thumb on one side of the areola and ur index finger on the other and squeeze that shit. If you feel anything other than fat ,then I'd worry.

    But just get your blood checked and if your estrogen is normal then I wouldnt trip about it. U certainly shouldnt mess with AIs just because u think you may have a prob

  3. #3
    FortKnox36's Avatar
    FortKnox36 is offline Associate Member
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    shit man...ok i think you mean nipple when you say areola (or whatever). When i do this i do feel something, like i said b4, feels like cartiledge. and its sensitive as hell....sounds like im up shit creek. Will this shit get worse? Im worried as hell now...

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    could get worse, how big is it? Maybe a mild elevation of estrogen over along period of time could have caused it. Who knows. Get your blood tested. You testosterone being higher than normal is not necessarily a good thing, especially if thats not your baseline. Higher test means more conversion to estrogen. I think that was your prob.

    If you have more nolvadex you can start taking it and order some letro from the board sponsor to try CBinos gyno reversal protocol. That's IF you want to throw off your hormones and risk the potential of more serious gyno.

  5. #5
    Jackblack20 is offline Junior Member
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    how old are you? i know it's pretty common for younger males to have inflamed lymphnodes...which are located under your nipples...this could be the case and if so you wouldn't have much to worry about...i don't know if the AAS could have caused inflamation either?

  6. #6
    FortKnox36's Avatar
    FortKnox36 is offline Associate Member
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    I am 21 years of age. The lymph node thing sounds good but i dont kno if this is lymph nodes. Its just a little gyno build up "i think". Maybe your right man..maybe since my test levels were a little high 5 months could have converted to higher estrogen levels and caused gyno. It is just my right nipple mostly tho..not my left (if that helps figure anything out). Because i am a go to kinda guy i went and got my blood tested today. I got my test total levels checked and my estrogen total levels checked. It takes around a week to get the results.

    I knew this doc from b4 so I leveled with him and told him i took "pro hormones". He told me to take my shirt off and kinda checked half assly for gyno and said I looked fine. I told him i took it for 3 months which was the truth. He told me that since it wasnt that long of a duration of use that my nerves are probably getting the best of me. (still doesnt explain my sensitive nipple). He told me that most guys will need to be worried only if they take that shit for years. He said the human body balances itself back out. He compared it to birth control with women.

    So i guess I just wait for the results in a week and see how my levels are.

    Oh and btw my test level was 793 two months ago. Doc said normal was around 750 at guys my age.

    If anyone can give anymore advice I would really appreciaate it.


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