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  1. #1
    mtb_rider is offline New Member
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    Need advice on weight gain for MTB racing

    Hi guys,

    I'm a newby in this issue, and I have read many info but still confused, but I would like to have some feeback from people with experience

    So I'm an Amateur MTB racer at national level, I do mostly Marathon so endurance needed, so Just looking for a good advice on the following objectives:

    1. NOT looking for weight gain
    2. Gain strength
    3. Better recovering and endurance

    Currently I'm:

    Age: 31
    weight: 53kg
    I'm currently using an Hypoxic chamber for increasing my HBC so EPO not needed

    A friend of mine advice that I should use DECA -Durabolin or Testoviron in very small doses for increasing my strength (my main issue) and recovery, My main concerns are:

    1. what's the recommended dose, and once again I do not want to gain weight and I want to keep it the smallest possible with results

    2. I'm also concerned with detection time specially for DECA (more than a year), is the dose proportional to the detection time ?

    So please could you make me an advice ?

    Thank's in avance for your help,

  2. #2
    mtb_rider is offline New Member
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    Mar 2008
    Sorry guys

    The objective is strenght gain and endurance , and NOT weight gaing.


  3. #3
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    i would say that a lower dose of test prop and 50mgs of winny ed would be good for your goals

  4. #4
    DKU's Avatar
    DKU is offline Associate Member
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    I think you want to stay away from deca , because I've read it's detectable for 18 months.

    You might try a low dosage of test suspension - maybe 50-100mg/week, it won't be detectable for very long. Here's the profile:
    Last edited by DKU; 03-20-2008 at 01:53 PM.

  5. #5
    japzap is offline New Member
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    mtb racer

    i run a little test susp 24 hours before race that seems to be when the levels are the highest i feel strong on race day and fresh just not sure about anti est stuff

  6. #6
    mtb_rider is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DKU View Post
    I think you want to stay away from deca , because I've read it's detectable for 18 months.

    You might try a low dosage of test suspension - maybe 50-100mg/week, it won't be detectable for very long. Here's the profile:
    High DKU,

    first of all thank you all for the feedback, please continue

    Regarding DECA, and it could be other .... I have also read that the detection time it could be 18 months. If I look at the Deca profile I would confirm the 18 month detection time, regarding the dose 200-600mgs/week for a cycle Y time, So one of my questions is:

    1. If we take let's say half of the Dose, is it safe to consider that the detection time should also be half ?

    2. Or something like during 3 weeks take the minimum dose, And still have some strenght gain and less than 18month detection time ?

    3. Or as soon as you place 1mg in your body.... you have a period of 18month you could be detected ?

    Thank you all for your feeback,

  7. #7
    Jackblack20 is offline Junior Member
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    If you're really worried about detection time, I would stay away from Deca ...I like the idea of going with the test prop. but if you are not too worried about detection times, I would look into some has a lengthy detection time as well but it increases your EPO thus increasing your RBC and endurance...yeah deca can give you some good gains. but i don't think it's what you're looking for.

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