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Thread: Sustanon/Deca

  1. #1
    jackmeup's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Sustanon/Deca

    Guys i will be starting my cycle from this sunday !!

    Aim Bulk hard and eat like a freak :d...
    Stats :

    age 23
    been lifting since 4 years...
    weight Today was 76Kgs...
    Height :6ft

    i have searched and find that sustanon is fine but EOD...
    My problem is that i cant jab myself and instead of that i have a nurse fixed it up for doing this Job.. :d ...

    Now i do not want to get the jab every other day

    i am planning the cycle for 200mg of deca and 500mg of sus every week for 8 weeks...

    So Is this right ??

    Sunday : 250mg of sust+100mg of deca

    Wednesday : 250mg of sust+100mg of deca...

    The problem is that i have got the sust now otherwise i would have opted the test .. But neverthe less i need some advice on this...

    wll this much gap screw up my test levels as people say with the sust !!

    Cheers !!

  2. #2
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    as you are already aware sust is best shot eod but like you i did it twice a week my first cycle. actually i may have done it once a week. i cant remember right now but i still gained off it. eod injections are best and you'll have less sides because you test levles wont jump around but you have to do what you have to do

  3. #3
    jackmeup's Avatar
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    ya thats correct but still i dont want to go with the single shot per week as i one of my friend doing it currently and involved in it currently with only 250mg of sus per week

    he jabs it on every sunday and after 3 weeks he is complaining about some really bad smell in his piss and a little bit of color change in it too....

    so i thought that i should go for 500mg per week and not EOD but atleast to make it every 3rd day !!

  4. #4
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    i wouldnt either. with sust you want to get as close as you can to eod injections for best results. as for his piss smelling, im shooting 1250mgs of omandrens a week right now and my piss dosnt smell any different

  5. #5
    CheddaNips is offline Senior Member
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    5 omnas a week pietro, Damn man. thats crazy.

  6. #6
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    sust 250mgs mon/250mgs thurs

    deca at 200mgs every week wont do shit for you man(maybe help with joints)

    bumb deca to 400 mgs and run it 10 weeks run suss for 12 weeks at 500mgs ew(split into 2 shots as above)

    what you got planned for pct bro??

  7. #7
    jackmeup's Avatar
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    If i will do it in the style i mentioned above in what type i can expect the gear to Kick In ??

    and 8 weeks is sufficient ??

  8. #8
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by CheddaNips View Post
    5 omnas a week pietro, Damn man. thats crazy. need for that mutch test imo....

  9. #9
    jackmeup's Avatar
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    thnx @ nowdenlid

    well after 18 days of my last shot of sust

    will be running down clomid for 3 weeks 50mg every day with 20mg of nolvadex ... thats what i have decided... i have proviron in my hand actually i am not able to get Nolva in Here ..

  10. #10
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    500mgs sust once a week will only lead to sides(cistic acne i got of doing it that way)

    kick in time around weeks 3.5-4.5

    if you were to do 250mgs every 3rd day kick in time would be 2-3 weeks and sides will be minumal..

  11. #11
    jackmeup's Avatar
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    yup thats what i am going to do now for sure dont worry

    Monday and thursday .. 250mg each that will be 500mg per week !!

    I have got organon India

  12. #12
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    i just started paki oragon sust on my 3rd shot of 250mgs e3rd day and its kicking in allready(short esters)

    love sust as i cant stand waiting for long esters to kick in .

    sust gives you the middle of all the tests not to fast and not to long its great

  13. #13
    jackmeup's Avatar
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    Lets c how it goes with me i am really keen and excited to start on this stuff
    Last edited by jackmeup; 03-20-2008 at 01:46 PM.

  14. #14
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    [QUOTE=jackmeup;3882819]Lets c how it goes with me i am really keen and excited to start on this stuff
    By the way how much do you got the sus for ?? 1amp for 250 mg right ??
    no price talk bro........QUOTE]

    read up on the rulesmyman your cant talk prices on here ,keep it to pm,s if you have any questions on prices ect...

    edit your post please..

  15. #15
    200byjune's Avatar
    200byjune is offline Senior Member
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    no price descussion here edit your post

  16. #16
    jackmeup's Avatar
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    Sorry My mistake :P

    @ nowdenlid you have quoted my past post its still have that prce.. !!

  17. #17
    200byjune's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nowdenlid View Post
    read up on the rulesmyman your cant talk prices on here ,keep it to pm,s if you have any questions on prices ect...

    edit your post please..
    beat me to it lol. but anyways as for your cycle i would extend it and drop the test since you have deca and i prosume its your first cycle. so somthing like this:
    wk 1-12 sus 125 e3d
    wk 1-11 deca 150 e3d
    18 days after pct

  18. #18
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    my bad...................

  19. #19
    jackmeup's Avatar
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    yup i will be ending up the deca before 2 weeks... of sust... to get those screwed test levels from deca back up a bit again ...

  20. #20
    200byjune's Avatar
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    its not really needed to stop 2 weeks before sus but 1 week is good. try the cycle i proposed im sure youll be happy with it, its alot better then your proposed cycle imo any others agree with me?

  21. #21
    jackmeup's Avatar
    jackmeup is offline New Member
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    dont you think sust is low in your cycle ??

  22. #22
    200byjune's Avatar
    200byjune is offline Senior Member
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    no sus is about 292mgs per week and deca is 350mgs per week imo a perfect first cycle. you do not need a dbol kickstart you have 2 compounds just like with a dbol kickstart and with dbol at 40 mgs ed you would be using 780mgs a week total with test at 500mgs as recomended. and with this cycle your only using 642mgs total per week wich will yeild in more muscle imo.

  23. #23
    jackmeup's Avatar
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