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Thread: tren vs xtream tren

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    tren vs xtream tren

    I am new to this forum and Im attempting to educate myself a little. From what it looks like tren and extream tren are two different products. Xtream tren you can find in a nutrion shop and tren of course you cant. Is this a true statement. American celluar labs makes it. It was recommended to me along with ah 89 to take both of them together for a month then do a post cycle estro xtreme......any input you may have will be helpful. From what I can gather is this would be kind of like the minor leagues of steroids. I also thought that the real stuff has to be injected and the stuff im talking about is oral pill.

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    It sounds like you are comparing a real steroid with some supplement that just wants to sound like a steroid. If that's the case, it's likely that the only similarity will be the sound of the name.
    What are your stats?
    Body fat%?
    Years lifting seriously?
    PCT knowledge?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    current weight 192
    dont know my body fat
    1 year serious lifting (played sports my whole life)
    pct knowledge is one of the reasons why i am here

    I think I want to stay way from the real stuff for now. I think I need more lifting experience. I guess what im looking for is some answers on the xtream tren. From what I have read on other forums this stuff works really good. of course probably not as good as the real deal but pretty close.

    that all being said Im open to everyones input. Im not a real die hard lifter. I lift 5 days a week and try to hit cardio the other two. I feel that my diet is pretty much in check for now I am just looking for a little something extra in the gym.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    La Califonia
    wrong forum but tren 2 is the best

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Oto View Post
    current weight 192
    dont know my body fat
    1 year serious lifting (played sports my whole life)
    pct knowledge is one of the reasons why i am here

    I think I want to stay way from the real stuff for now. I think I need more lifting experience. I guess what im looking for is some answers on the xtream tren. From what I have read on other forums this stuff works really good. of course probably not as good as the real deal but pretty close.

    that all being said I'm open to everyones input. I'm not a real die hard lifter. I lift 5 days a week and try to hit cardio the other two. I feel that my diet is pretty much in check for now I am just looking for a little something extra in the gym.

    I don't know what Xtream Tren is, but like BIG said, I would assume it is a Suplement, but not sure the details.
    I would recommend that you save your money. I would make sure you have your "Cores", Protein, Creatine, Glutamine, Good multi vitamin.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryanhallmark View Post
    I don't know what Xtream Tren is, but like BIG said, I would assume it is a Suplement, but not sure the details.
    I would recommend that you save your money. I would make sure you have your "Cores", Protein, Creatine, Glutamine, Good multi vitamin.
    I think the Tren Xtreme is a prohormone but I could be wrong. I agree that you should stick with the basics until you think you're ready for AAS. I know alot of guys who have wasted countless dollars on these kind of things.

  7. #7
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    24 when you guys say does one determine if they are ready. Right now I take creatine, BCAA, multi vitamin, flax oil, I have an mrp and normal whey. an example of my diet today

    1 cup egg whites 1 cup of oats. glass of water

    gym 9am (this is rare time for me)

    pre workout creatine, bcaa
    post workout bcaa and some Gatorade

    mid morning mrp with h2o

    luch mid afternoon was 1 cup brown rice 1 chicken breast

    dinner will consist of either fish, chicken or steak 8oz. and steamed veggies

    if im up late I may toss in one scoop of mrp one scoop of whey mixed with h20

    other then that I drink water or green tea during the day.....that being said does my diet seem to be in check?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Your food sources sound good. You definitely want some quality fats in there somewhere and I personally like to keep fats seperated from carbs.

    Your post workout needs to include some fast absorbed protein (40g or so worth). (I know you said you take BCAA but if your trying to put on some mass youll need the calories from the protein.)

    You need to be eating 6-8meals per day. Eat every three hours and make sure each meal has protein.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    tren xtreme from american cellular labs contains 19-Norandrosta- 4,9-diene-3,17 dione, it is an powerful pro-hormone and i have seen guys make some pretty incredible gains on this stuff, but it is a pro-hormone none the less, not the real thing. the side effects are the same as the real deal and should you plan to run it then you would need to put in the same planning and preperation you would if it were a real cycle.

    it is the same as finigenx magnum
    AH-89 is 5α-androstano[3,2-c] pyrazole-3-one-17β-ol-THP-ether....similar to orastan-E supposedly the same as winstrol.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    If I were you I would stick with protein/creatine/glutamine/vitamins until you're ready for real steroids. Those prohormones are a waste of money in my experience.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by DKU View Post
    If I were you I would stick with protein/creatine/glutamine/vitamins until you're ready for real steroids. Those prohormones are a waste of money in my experience.
    depends what kind of ph someone is using, some of them arent bad.

    but i agree with your main point.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Oto View Post
    I am new to this forum and Im attempting to educate myself a little. From what it looks like tren and extream tren are two different products. Xtream tren you can find in a nutrion shop and tren of course you cant. Is this a true statement. American celluar labs makes it. It was recommended to me along with ah 89 to take both of them together for a month then do a post cycle estro xtreme......any input you may have will be helpful. From what I can gather is this would be kind of like the minor leagues of steroids. I also thought that the real stuff has to be injected and the stuff im talking about is oral pill.
    Trenbolone is a AAS,,,i think the product your speaking of is SUPPLEMENT

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