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Thread: bulk cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    bulk cycle

    hi i am about to start a new bulk cycles i wanted some opinions i dealed for steriods for several years i used almost every thing so i'd like ur opinions i am 24 years .i will take test prop 100 mg ed ,anadrol 100 mg ed,equipose 400mg per week, deca 400 mg per week,i have ephidrene and anavar but don't know how to stacj them with this .it,s for 10 weeks cycle .would i use the ephidrene and anavar with them or add winny at week 5 and start them .i'd like any suggestions from any one thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    yea, drop the prop and replace it with enth or cyp. if you want you can use it to kickstart your cycle but why inject ed if you dont have to. i really dont even see what you want to do here bro and i doubt you have that much experiance because you trying to mix steroids used to bilk with steroids used to cut. what is your height and weight?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    i am 100 kg and 185 cm and i have a good bulk from previous cycles but i want more bulk with some defintion i don,t why u doubt no experience i read cycles that containe prop with winny and i aslo asked before doing . what do u think

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    i you want to bulk then you should do a 12-14 week cycle of test cyp or enth, deca and anadrol
    1-5 100mgs of anadrol ed
    1-12 400mgs of deca a week
    1-14 600mgs of test a week shot twice a week

    now if you want to cut you can throw in that winny, prop, var and eq.
    1-8 prop 75mgs a day
    1-8 winny 50mgs a day
    1-5 var 50mgs a day
    you can throw the eq n to but you'll have to run it longer. these dosages are only examples and you can do what is best for you

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