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Thread: Theoretical dbol question from newb

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Wink Theoretical dbol question from newb

    Hey guys, been lur4king here awhile under different name, ive finally decided to nut up and ask some questions. In regards to liver toxicity of orals...If you had say, 200 dbol, does your liver care if you take them over 5 weeks in a large dose or 8 weeks in a much smaller daily dosage. Im not very clear on what "elevated liver values" means.

    Im a little ocd so im just trying to understand all this before are start trying to make moves, so lecture if you must but im not going to do a dbol cycle, i get that.
    Wink ANy thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    sorry about like, don't quite get the format yet.

  3. #3
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  4. #4
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    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Bjohnson View Post
    Hey guys, been lur4king here awhile under different name, ive finally decided to nut up and ask some questions. In regards to liver toxicity of orals...If you had say, 200 dbol, does your liver care if you take them over 5 weeks in a large dose or 8 weeks in a much smaller daily dosage. Im not very clear on what "elevated liver values" means.

    Im a little ocd so im just trying to understand all this before are start trying to make moves, so lecture if you must but im not going to do a dbol cycle, i get that.
    Wink ANy thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.
    ** Warning.. the following statement could be TOTALLY inaccurate **

    Yes it does make a difference. Ideally there is a median point that is the "best" for you (high dose short time vs low dose long time). A higher dose for a shorter time is generally preferable, but it all really depends. Elevated liver values means that the values on the tests used by doctors to determine the the health of your liver are elevated, indicating that your liver is either working very hard or possibly unhealthy.

    More importantly though, rather than trying to figure out the best way to take your 'theoretical' 200 dbol's, I would focus on putting together a well-planned cycle that is best for you and your goals and if it means getting the appropriate gear or waiting awhile, then do whats necessary for your health and for a positive outcome from your cycle. Also you need to get PCT anyway so you may as well get what is going to be ideal for you as far as AAS are concerned.

    Just trying to "use what you've got" rarely turns out favorably.
    Last edited by D-Unit 39; 03-22-2008 at 07:27 PM. Reason: Second Guessing my Knowledge

  5. #5
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    Dbol is just an example becsuse ive read many times that 200 dbol is recommended for a cycle. I have also heard many times that you should go over say 6 weeks. What i have never read is a post saying something like "6 weeks of dbol at 40 a day or 50mg a day for 5 weeks or 20 mg a day for 8 weeks" is that liver damage dose dependent or time dependent? DOes 200 5mg dbol tablets do 200 5mg dbol tabs worth of damage regardless of time frame?

    I am more thinking tbol but there seems to be more dbol info out there so i figured whats the diff, same principle more or less. Yes, i know i should use test e first time out but, man i HATE needles so im looking to do a tbol "tester cycle " to see if overcoming my fear of needels will be worth it for me.
    The liver thing seems to be the only side not at least somewhat managable with ancilaries so i am researching.

    Hope this doesn't break the rules, yes i did read them.

    Tbol is tough to get. Been sending out alot of minimum order testers to find a source and tbol is the one that burns me everytime, haven't had a success yet and ironically its the one i want. ANybody else notice this o r i am i just having bad luck? No offers please, ill figure it out.

    ANyway, sorry about the rambler, and thanks for the help.

  6. #6
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    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by D-Unit 39 View Post
    Yes it does make a difference. Ideally there is a median point that is the "best" for you (high dose short time vs low dose long time). A higher dose for a shorter time is generally preferable
    Got anything to back this up with?

    Cuz I seriously doubt this is correct, but if you have some sort of proof I'd like to see it

  7. #7
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    Scouring the internet and have found nothing to back myself up.

    I remember hearing during an alcohol awareness thing in College in regards to drinking that having 20 drinks in one night was better in the long term for you than having 5 drinks every night of the week... but I can't find any backup for that either. And I dont remember the reliability of the source. I'm not a big drinker so I never cared... but I guess I just took that statement as fact.

    In summary, I can find no evidence leading to the truthfulness of my statement 2 posts above.... so take it with a grain of salt (unless you're on AAS, because salt causes water retention ).

  8. #8
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    My thinking on the subject is that its possible to overdose on something.

    I mean, take 10g of dbol in one day and it'll prob give you some problems.

    Take the same amount spread over a longer time, and you'll end up with a tolerance. Same goes for nearly anything, your body becomes used to it.

    I have nothing to back this up with either, I don't know if this is true, it just seemed to make more sense to me that lower doses for a longer period would be healthier...dunno tho

  9. #9
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    I think it all comes down to the specifics, I don't think the difference of 5 weeks versus 8 weeks is going to make a lot of differece if the total dosages are the same. I'm sure there is a sweet spot that is ideal but finding what it is will be specific to the person. What is their experience of aas, how healthy is there liver etc don't think you can generalize and say one is better than the other without trying it for yourself. Obviously if you go beyond normal cycle lengths or dosages your taking bigger risks.

    On the subject of alcohol, I remember a couple of years ago here in the UK there was a TV programme about safe limits of drinking and they said upto 20 units of alcohol a week was safe for a male. (one unit being 25ml of spirits or a half pint of beer) They went onto say that you shouldn't drink all 20 units in one night as it put too much strain on the liver and the amount should be spread throughout the week.

  10. #10
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    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Hudson View Post

    On the subject of alcohol, I remember a couple of years ago here in the UK there was a TV programme about safe limits of drinking and they said upto 20 units of alcohol a week was safe for a male. (one unit being 25ml of spirits or a half pint of beer) They went onto say that you shouldn't drink all 20 units in one night as it put too much strain on the liver and the amount should be spread throughout the week.
    Interesting... I am actually curious now which is right and which is wrong.

    Obvioulsy TOO much of anything at once is terrible for you, but is it better to have alot of alcohol/drugs at once and get it out of your system faster, or have a small amount of it in your system for a long time?

    Anyone know for sure?

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