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Thread: searching

  1. #1


    i have been looking into doing just one cycle to gain a large amount of mass i am currentely 180lbs and 5'11 with maybe 15-20%. I want to know if this would be a good cycle
    1-12 Test-E 500 mg a week
    1-10 Deca 300mg a week
    1-4 Dbol 40mg ED for kick start
    PCT: clomid
    Last edited by skye999; 03-22-2008 at 05:28 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    United States
    your sh1t out of luck and you CAN NOT just expect someone to give you a source officer. go do your homework like everyone else

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    womb raider
    man you cant ask for sources on this board so please edit your post,also most all www,s are scams bro so be very carefull....

    stick around here for a while do some reading and posting to earn some repect...

  4. #4
    I have been training for over 18months and although i have spoken to many people personal trainers etc etc some saying it will take years to get big, when i have gone on to see them training there obvious signs of them using cycles is there. are there any dietry tips i could use before i try my first cycle

  5. #5
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    womb raider
    Quote Originally Posted by skye999 View Post
    I have been training for over 18months and although i have spoken to many people personal trainers etc etc some saying it will take years to get big, when i have gone on to see them training there obvious signs of them using cycles is there. are there any dietry tips i could use before i try my first cycle
    post your diet and we will see what needs fixing...

    remember if you eat big ,lift big you will get big..

  6. #6
    My protein intake i work on a basis of 1 gram per pound plus 15% try to have low fat diet but have alot of carbs with pasta etc i eat alot of white meat. I consume about 2500 to 3000 cals a day. My training you say lift big i struggle to push myself that little bit further i usually do 3 set of 8-10 but on third set don't always make the 8-10 any tips for that or do i need a partner to really push me along.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by skye999 View Post
    My protein intake i work on a basis of 1 gram per pound plus 15% try to have low fat diet but have alot of carbs with pasta etc i eat alot of white meat. I consume about 2500 to 3000 cals a day. My training you say lift big i struggle to push myself that little bit further i usually do 3 set of 8-10 but on third set don't always make the 8-10 any tips for that or do i need a partner to really push me along.
    training with a partner is a really good way to push more. because on those last few reps they help you by taking the smallest amount of weight possible for you to complete the reps. also if you train with someone with roughly same goals and strength you get a bit of healthy competion which helps you push more and train harder.

  8. #8
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    i hear you bro but list what the daily meals you eat so we got a better idea of your diet,

    8am-8 egg whites ,75g rolled oats





  9. #9
    8 am 6 egg white 2 yolks scrambled
    10 protein shake
    12 pasta with 125g tuna
    2pm protein shake
    4pm wholemeal bread with chick or turkey as sandwhich
    6pm 2 chicken breast boiled veg or pasta

    These are general but what i try to mix up in the week varying with 6 whites 2 yolk omelette. I have a rough idea of what i need to eat, i work shifts aswell which get in the way with meals

  10. #10
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    you need more food for sure ,this is my diet at the moment

    6am- hard boiled eggs 50g rolled oats.

    9am-can tuna 1 sweet patatoe

    10am-nutrament drink(45g carbs 30g pro 5g fat) can tuna

    12pm-large chicken fillet with cup brown rice some veggies

    2pm-large stake with 75g pasta

    4pm-turkey brest with sweet patao and cottage cheese some almonds

    5.30pm -work out

    6.30-quality pro drink with can tuna.

    8.30-large chicken fillet with veggies

    10pm -beef slice on brown whole meal bread.

    5 liters of warter with muti vits,cottage chesse,almonds,fruit as snacks thuout the day....

  11. #11
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    you are wanting to bulk and your last meal is at 6pm?then no food for 14 hours ????

  12. #12
    Thanks for the info. I struggle to train with a bench press thru advice from a trainer he suggested doing dumbell chest presses are these any more beneficial or should i go back to the straight bar

  13. #13
    well it was an expample i do eat usually the latest i would eat is about 8pm i am worried that if i eat too much i will not only bulk in regard with muscle but fat as i will be sleeping on this

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by nowdenlid View Post
    you need more food for sure ,this is my diet at the moment

    2pm-large stake with 75g pasta
    A large stake????? I bet that tastes like sh!t !


  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by D-Unit 39 View Post
    A large stake????? I bet that tastes like sh!t !


  16. #16
    lol basically i am reading as many threads as possible giving out all the same messages so i have 8 weeks to go before i go on holiday i am going to do some before and afters and monitor how i am going with eating alot more food.

  17. #17
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    28,651 is a good site to find nutritional values of food and track what you are eating. Many people think they eat enough until they start tracking it.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post is a good site to find nutritional values of food and track what you are eating. Many people think they eat enough until they start tracking it.
    Fitday is a handy site!

    Another way which may seem a bit long winded, but is actually pretty quick and easy, is to look at packets and write out the nutritional values in a spreadsheet.

    Do columns with Protein G, Carbs G, Fat G,

    then use the simple rules.
    1g Of Protein = 4cal
    1g Of Carbs = 4cal
    1g Of Fat = 9cal

    Then do extra columns with Protein Cal, Carb Cal, Fat Cal.

    Is mega easy to work out something like a 40/40/20 split on meals from that point.

  19. #19
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    Who wants to know?
    Quote Originally Posted by skye999 View Post
    I have been training for over 18months and although i have spoken to many people personal trainers etc etc some saying it will take years to get big, when i have gone on to see them training there obvious signs of them using cycles is there. are there any dietry tips i could use before i try my first cycle
    18 months is nothing, you need to give it a few more years until you get closer to your peak, I trained for 18 years before I started.

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