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Thread: Bloodwork

  1. #1


    I decided to postpone my cycle one more week. I am going to the doctor tomorrow to have blood work done. Check my testosterone levels and estrogen levels. More than likely i think he will say that my test levels are normal. I guess more than anything i just really want to know were i am at that way i can have blood work done after the cycle and see how close i am to my normal test levels. When judging how my test levels are what should i ask the doc? What would good normal levels be for someone my age? I am 37 5"4 148 lbs. Training seriously for six yrs. Have had my diet dialed in for over a year now. Lost 20 lbs and maintianed the same strength. Oh and about 12 % body fat. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Just trying to stay as safe as i can. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Check this thread out ..


  3. #3
    Got my blood work back today. I was surprised my test levels did indeed come back low. They said tast levels were at 190 and 400 would be the normal range. So should i run test at 250 a week or 500? I ask because if i could get away with 250 and still grow i could save a few bucks. Thanks in advance.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    with level that low your doc can prescribe the test to you and your insurance might cover it. if so do 500mg/week(i.e. if the doc. give you 250/week for HRT then do another 250/weeks on top of that) if you insurance won't cover the bill then 250mg/week will work. i had my old man on 250/week for his first cycle and he had some gains, they just came slowly. BTW my old man is 48. well good luck, be safe and happy shooting.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    oh yeah i almost forgot another good note on the HRT once you done with you cycle just cont. the 250mg/week that the doc is prescribing no need for PCT...NICE!!!!!!

  6. #6
    Doc prescribed me androderm. This stuff i think is a joke.

  7. #7
    I would also think the gains that i would get from 250 a week would be alot better than i am getting now?

  8. #8
    Thanks Steel

  9. #9
    Took my first shot. Will let you guys know how things are going in a couple of weeks. Thanks for all the help. P.S Guess i will have to figure out how to change my name.

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