Sure most of you have read on here people telling you to get blood tests run regularly, but most of you probably dont do it after or during each cycle. There are inherent dangers involved when you use these powerful hormones, and yes things can go wrong with you. You are seriously risking your health if you do not get a complete blood panel run at least a few times per year. Would be best to run it at least after each and every cycle, before you decide to go onto your next. Cholesterol and liver enzymes are two things that most of us think about. One factor most dont worry about though is your hematocrit/hemoglobin. The hematocrit, percentage of your blood volume that is composed of your red blood cells, can climb dangerously high while on most androgens. Even a low dose of test run over a long period of time can lead to this. SOme guys on HRT have this issue, so it doesnt take large doses. Hormones such as anadrol, deca, eq, and test are especially known for this. Anadrol is used to treat anemia, low red blood cell count, so it is especially bad. If your hematorcrit gets too high your blood becomes too thick and your heart has to do extra work to pump the blood through your body. this extra stress can lead to congestive heart failure and then death.
A reading on the hematocrit over 54 is considered abnormal, and they wont even let you donate blood to get your count down. They say that anything over 60 is just plain dangerous.
YOu could have a dangerously high hematocrit right now and not even know it. THen you decide to go on a cylce and the level will only get higher. The average red blood cell lasts 4 months, so these levels build up over time since they live so long. If the levels get too high, you will need to go off and let them slowly return to normal.
Message here is think about what you are doing, think about the risks. Do whatever you can to minimize the side effects and the harmful effects to your body. Taking regular blood tests is the only way you can monitor what is going on inside your body. If you dont do this, you are taking risks that you dont need to.