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Thread: Good Cutting Cycle?!?!

  1. #1

    Good Cutting Cycle?!?!

    Hey! Been on here many times to read opinions and research compounds. Asking for a little advice on a good cutting cycle to get cut and lean for the summer! Greatly appreciate any advice on compounds and doses. Winny/Tren/Anavar, arimidex/Clomids. Thank You! Semper Fi! USMC

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2007
    lay out a cycle including duration, dosages and compounds and of course full stats then we can critique it for you, also include test at least at an hrt dose.

  3. #3
    Week 1-8.... Winny 100mg EOD, Fina 100mg EOD, Arimidex 1mg ED
    Week 1... Clomid 100mg ED
    Week 2-3.. Clomid 50mg ED
    Have Anavar too. Should i wait til after clomids or can i start that after the 8 weeks cycle?

    24 yo, 5'10, 235, BF not pos. but must be in mid 20's.

    Thank You

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    what is your cycle experience? whats your diet like for starters? prop/tren/masteron is my favorite..prop/winny, prop/tren, or prop/tren/winny are all good..notice I use prop in all of them..if youre gonna use tren, you better use some test..i only use 50mg/day of prop though..thats more than enough to keep things normal..why the hell would you take arimidex with winny and tren? neither convert to estrogen!

  5. #5
    Thanks longhorn. before this. just winny for 8 weeks. havent been able to before really cause i was in the USMC and they look for that shit and i was pushing their "weight limit" to begin with. just stayed the best i could naturally given circumstances, training and combat deployments that didnt leave me much control.

  6. #6
    ..... forgot. arimidex i had the same question but kept being advised to take something along those lines, if not that nolvadex. if i were to add the prop should i then keep the arimidex? thanks again!

  7. #7

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Aren't you using any Test? And since you really don't have any experience with AAS's you should hold off on that Tren. Tren can be awesome, but if you don't know what you are doing it can cause lots of problems.
    If you have never run a real cycle why not just run a simple Test E or C cycle at 500mg/wk, you'll have great gains from that.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    just do prop/winny for 8 weeks..50mg of each/day with a good PCT and a solid diet

  10. #10
    Thank You both for your help! I will definately consider. Anyone else have some input about what I have? It would be greatly appreciated!

  11. #11
    Bump... just looking to get some more opinions and advice on this! Thank you much!

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