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  1. #1
    theflyzman is offline Associate Member
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    Good cutting cycle

    Would like your thoughts on the cutting cycle listed below my stats.
    31 years old
    6 foot
    15% BF
    4 cycles in life
    Last cycle was
    1000mg test E, 750 deca , each per week and 50mg ED of dbol
    Test and deca for 4 months and dbol for first 5 weeks. Grew like a beast on juice, but need to cut now down to single digits. 8-9%bf would be what im after.

    Cutting cycle below:
    8 weeks total
    weeks 1-8
    1. Test E 750mg per week ( dont like test p since it makes me so f in sore)
    2. Tren E 600mg per week
    3. Clen 120-150mg ED with Keto for build up
    weeks 1-6
    100mg ED of T3

    depending on results, was think of using DNP in first 2 weeks of PCT from this cycle.
    Your thoughts??

  2. #2
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    u wouldnt run it without prop bro. you should either use prop or raise it to 10-12 weeks

  3. #3
    VWbug66's Avatar
    VWbug66 is offline Senior Member
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    well i'll tell off the bat that 8 weeks is not long enough for test should extend to 10-12 weeks. and frontload the test e

    and i also would not run the test that high for a cutter, although dont quote me im not a pro on cutters...but id cut the test down to 500 a week, and probably keep the treen where it is..

    and id also incorporate another drug such as masteron or winny, or both..

  4. #4
    VWbug66's Avatar
    VWbug66 is offline Senior Member
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    well i'll tell off the bat that 8 weeks is not long enough for test should extend to 10-12 weeks. and frontload the test e

    and i also would not run the test that high for a cutter, although dont quote me im not a pro on cutters...but id cut the test down to 500 a week, and probably keep the tren where it is..

    and id also incorporate another drug such as masteron or winny, or both..

  5. #5
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    the length of time is fine and the choice of test is fine. you should do the tren 50/50 w/ ace and enan. need something short chain in a short run. tren ace @ 100% would be better.

  6. #6
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    I run test e in 6 week runs. somethimes 65/35 between enan and deconate. long chain esters are fine in short runs but they are pointless w/o some short chain esters.
    Last edited by mkrulic; 03-25-2008 at 05:37 PM.

  7. #7
    VWbug66's Avatar
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    he should frontload most definitly dont yall agree?? i mean 8 weeks..even if frontloaded your just starting to get to feel the "test high"...imo your cutting your rope short by doin it 8 weeks

  8. #8
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by VWbug66 View Post
    he should frontload most definitly dont yall agree?? i mean 8 weeks..even if frontloaded your just starting to get to feel the "test high"...imo your cutting your rope short by doin it 8 weeks
    no. would not agree. run same dose all the way throughout. need tren ace in this run tho.

  9. #9
    VWbug66's Avatar
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    hmm..idk man..i frontload everytime not matter how long. but if the desired length of cycle is 8 weeks, then frontload is a must. but yes tren ace..what you think of the frontload mkrulic? btw i preciate ya not bein a big dick n having an adult cuz there's sum ppl that cannot do that

  10. #10
    PT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkrulic View Post
    I run test e in 6 week runs. somethimes 65/35 between enan and deconate. long chain esters are fine in short runs but they are pointless w/o some short chain esters.
    6 weeks??? your nuts. it takes 4 or 5 to kick in. thats straight up bad advice. he should run prop

  11. #11
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by VWbug66 View Post
    hmm..idk man..i frontload everytime not matter how long. but if the desired length of cycle is 8 weeks, then frontload is a must. but yes tren ace..what you think of the frontload mkrulic? btw i preciate ya not bein a big dick n having an adult cuz there's sum ppl that cannot do that
    never tried frontloading. I like having long chain estered test in ther to hang in after the tren is gone. maybe I should try frontloading. I think I will look into that for my next cycle
    thanks for the suggestion

  12. #12
    samcam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VWbug66 View Post
    he should frontload most definitly dont yall agree?? i mean 8 weeks..even if frontloaded your just starting to get to feel the "test high"...imo your cutting your rope short by doin it 8 weeks
    Personally I'm not convinced on the frontloading thing, from the research I have done the majority that have done it says it's a waste of time and gear, I realize on paper it looks like it should get in your system faster but the actual physical results don't seem to be there.

  13. #13
    VWbug66's Avatar
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    im not talking about physical results...frontloading gets it flowing in your system faster...ive dont 6 cycles or so..didnt frontload on the first 4..the next 2 i did frontload. i noticed the test kicked in tremendously faster. all cycles were teste and deca , except the last one, teste and tren ace..

    but i could tell a huge difference in the frontloading. it kicked in way faster than not frontloading.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by VWbug66 View Post
    im not talking about physical results...frontloading gets it flowing in your system faster...ive dont 6 cycles or so..didnt frontload on the first 4..the next 2 i did frontload. i noticed the test kicked in tremendously faster. all cycles were teste and deca , except the last one, teste and tren ace..

    but i could tell a huge difference in the frontloading. it kicked in way faster than not frontloading.
    I just started my 4th cycle last week and have run Test E every cycle too, I think my next cycle, Test and Deca, I will frontload and see once and for all if it works. How much do you frontload with and how much do you normally run?

  15. #15
    VWbug66's Avatar
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    The first week, i injected 500mgs 2x the first week.
    Then i continued to inject 250mg 2x a week, the first time to frontload..

    Then the next cycle i frontloaded and injected 300mg 2x a week

  16. #16
    theflyzman is offline Associate Member
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    Already have the test e and tren e in hand. Not looking to put on crazy size but more protect my size i have now and cut up like a freak. Do you think that these juices being that there both long chianed will protect my hard earned muscle if i cut with the clen and t3 right now. I should mention that right now at this very moment im on test p and tren a and will be going right into the test e and tren e cycle. What are your thoughts??? I just hate the ED or EOD shots. it sucks, so i went longer chained esters. Do you think i should hold off on the clen and t3 for a couple of weeks then to give the testE and TrenE time to kick in and protect my muscles first???

  17. #17
    cache49's Avatar
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    IMO the above doses you mentioned are high for a cutter, this will bring excessive water and estro related sides undesirable for summer. You could combat with a mild dose of adex if needed. Maybe .5mg ed or eod. That being said, i still think that eight week is too short for a long ester like enan. Youll get a couple solid weeks of growing and then right into pct. Not the way id run it bud, but to each his own....good luck. Prop and ace are much better solutions for cutters and short cycles.....cheers

  18. #18
    Schmidty's Avatar
    Schmidty is offline Test Is Best!
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    Quote Originally Posted by theflyzman View Post
    Would like your thoughts on the cutting cycle listed below my stats.
    31 years old
    6 foot
    15% BF
    4 cycles in life
    Last cycle was
    1000mg test E, 750 deca , each per week and 50mg ED of dbol
    Test and deca for 4 months and dbol for first 5 weeks.
    Grew like a beast on juice, but need to cut now down to single digits. 8-9%bf would be what im after.

    Cutting cycle below:
    8 weeks total
    weeks 1-8
    1. Test E 750mg per week ( dont like test p since it makes me so f in sore)
    2. Tren E 600mg per week
    3. Clen 120-150mg ED with Keto for build up
    weeks 1-6
    100mg ED of T3

    depending on results, was think of using DNP in first 2 weeks of PCT from this cycle.
    Your thoughts??
    I like ur bulker

  19. #19
    lex57's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty View Post
    I like ur bulker
    you need to get him on the pgcl huh schmidty?

  20. #20
    theflyzman is offline Associate Member
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    Can anyone tell me if the test E and Tren E will protect me from catabolism in a cut cycle of clen and t3 right off the bat of frontloading or should i wait 3-4 weeks for test n tren 2 kick in before starting clen n t3???

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