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Thread: First cycle, stana

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    First cycle, stana

    Hey guys
    Im about to start my cycle on stanazol (winstrol/stanazolol)
    Its my first ever cycle, ill be doing it over 6-7 weeks at about 3mls a week.
    I have read alot on it and people have said you gain alot of muscle, while others have concluded that its strips body fat (on a proper diet ofcourse)
    Im hoping it cuts body fat more, could people please re-assure me what stanazol does?!!?
    Also is it possible to just rip one ever cycle, without developing bitch titties or ball shrinkage or other side effects overtime???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    mate i would even think of doing just winstrol on its own this will shut your whole body down completly and from what i know do the opp of what u want for ure balls, add some test into the mix test prop works well 100mg eod should be enough and have some AIs on hand and hcg incase of ball shrinkage, whts your PCT look like?

    P.S whats your stats?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by dhatzis View Post
    Hey guys
    Im about to start my cycle on stanazol (winstrol/stanazolol)
    Its my first ever cycle, ill be doing it over 6-7 weeks at about 3mls a week.
    I have read alot on it and people have said you gain alot of muscle, while others have concluded that its strips body fat (on a proper diet ofcourse)
    Im hoping it cuts body fat more, could people please re-assure me what stanazol does?!!?
    Also is it possible to just rip one ever cycle, without developing bitch titties or ball shrinkage or other side effects overtime???

    You need to read that thread before you decide an all winny cycle is for you. Winny alone sucks. And that's it. It's not the fact that it cuts bodyfat, diet and cardio do that. Winny brings out the definition and striations in the muscle, giving you that ripped look. IMO, unless you've got 10% BF or under, winny is prolly not gonna yield much in the way of visible results. Especially if you're trying to use it to cut fat. Take some ECA or clen and get a good diet and cardio/weight training in check.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    My diet and cardio scedule is pretty good already, and im looking for that more defined, cut-up look (not looking to get bigger), in fact, i want to get smaller, although, on a high protein/high carb/moderate fat diet, i will probably gain some pounds.

    My next question would have been what should i take for PCT after running a cycle of stana. I am planning to train hard and eat right for about 6 weeks after the cycle, but not sure what other suppliments to take. Nolvadex is what others have told me...
    Give me your opinions and help
    P.S- Lach01- When you say my whole body will shut down, what does that meen?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by dhatzis View Post
    My diet and cardio scedule is pretty good already, and im looking for that more defined, cut-up look (not looking to get bigger), in fact, i want to get smaller, although, on a high protein/high carb/moderate fat diet, i will probably gain some pounds.

    My next question would have been what should i take for PCT after running a cycle of stana. I am planning to train hard and eat right for about 6 weeks after the cycle, but not sure what other suppliments to take. Nolvadex is what others have told me...
    Give me your opinions and help
    P.S- Lach01- When you say my whole body will shut down, what does that meen?

    Wow, you dont need to use anabolics at all. If you havent taken the time or done the reasearch to know your compounds, what to run, and what PCT then you definitely dont need to use.

    Winny is suppressive to the HPTA meaning that if you run winny alone your dick stops working and all of your natural test levels will be no more. You run test along side of it so this doesnt occur. Well your natural levels will still be supressed but your boy will still work.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    what are your stats for starters? you need a lot more research too..FYI..i hope you plan on injecting winny every day!! Are you aware of the side effects at all?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Winny does not strip bodyfat...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Whats your diet currently like?

    Fitness goals?

    Also, saying "3ml/week" doesn't tell us shit about dosage.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005
    definately not ready for a first need to take the time to do more research,.....get your diet and workout regimine perfect, and once you do all this.... you are ready to begin even thinking about using aas......please do more research.....

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Stats: training for about 2 years
    height 5'7", 80kgs, 18 years old (Dont know body fat, gota get checked)
    wana get down to about 12%BF
    Breakfest- Oats/eggs
    Lunch and dinner (similar)- lean meat/steak/tuna/salmon/chicken with brown rice (if training)
    heaps of veggies
    Maybe a pasta if training next day
    Shakes in between + fish oil tablets + ephedrine tablets
    Plenty of water
    PCT: Nolvadex? need to do some research- suggestions on PCT for me????????
    50mgs of stanazol (20mls)- Stanazol does have test in it
    VTliftVT- you say my test levels will be no more....will they ever go back to a normal level?
    thanks guys
    Last edited by dhatzis; 03-29-2008 at 03:18 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    18 years old is to young bro and i would go into the diet section if i were you and learn from that. stay natural for a few more years anf you will be happy you did, i gurentee it.

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