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  1. #1
    VTliftVT's Avatar
    VTliftVT is offline Associate Member
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    Facial Edema...Help!

    So after much frustration and thoughts of the worst I finally believe I have found that the cause of my facial swelling is...well nothing, just facial edema.

    I was dieting very hard for several months and managed to get to 4.5% BF (prop/tren /masteron ). That was my goal so that weekend I had whatever the heck I wanted to eat and woke up the following morning with major facial swelling. Well its 10 months later and the swelling is still here and flares up if there is any excessive sodium intake (usually a few drinks being the culprit).

    Does anyone have any idea of what I can do to rid myself of this edema? I normally diet with low sodium but I guess I can focus more on that. Is there a prescription out there? Apparently many bodybuilders go through this due to the rapid diet changes so hopefully someone will have some idea.


  2. #2
    VTliftVT's Avatar
    VTliftVT is offline Associate Member
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    bump, bump it up

  3. #3
    VTliftVT's Avatar
    VTliftVT is offline Associate Member
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    I know I have seen so many posts about facial swelling however most are referring to on cycle. Well my face is holding water and I am not on cycle, someone has to have a little info on this and how to rid myself of the said water.

  4. #4
    GPS226's Avatar
    GPS226 is offline Junior Member
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    dude, I have a tendency to get that too, sometimes for apparently no reason at all. I find usually that it's a morning after a heavy calorie day, and it is water retention from eating so much food. Some things that help are limiting sodium, don't have too much dairy because it causes bloat, don't binge eat late at night or at all. and drink a lot of water. I find that it doesn't happen as much when i'm consistent with my diet. A surefire way to make it go down if you're desperate enough is to go a couple miles. i don't do it anymore because i'm paranoid about losing muscle mass while i'm trying to bulk but it sure worked for me in the past.

  5. #5
    GPS226's Avatar
    GPS226 is offline Junior Member
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    P.S.....if you take any of my pieces of advice, i would cut out the dairy. it is known to cause facial puffiness in a lot of people, especially in high amounts. Try that for a few weeks, I'll bet it'll go down noticeably.

  6. #6
    VTliftVT's Avatar
    VTliftVT is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GPS226 View Post
    P.S.....if you take any of my pieces of advice, i would cut out the dairy. it is known to cause facial puffiness in a lot of people, especially in high amounts. Try that for a few weeks, I'll bet it'll go down noticeably.
    Thanks for the reply. My diet is consistently and has been except for a few random occasions high protein moderate carb (currently low carb) and moderate fat (a little higher now to compensate the low carb). I always eat low sodium and seldom to never include dairy. All carbs are low GI, normally stone ground oats. I do cardio atleast 2-3 days a week during bulking however now aroud 5-7 days a week.

    As stated, even after dieting as above for months my face is still puffy. I have ran aromasin etc thinking it may be excess estrogen to no avail. I have heard that this is a common occurance among some bodybuilders due to the rapid change in diets. Not sure if thats true but if so I hope that there is something that I can do. My face went from lean and ripped to fat and bloated and has never returned to normal...its quite depressing actually.

    Thanks again for the input.

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