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  1. #1
    test5479 is offline New Member
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    Smile Test 400 Deca 300 and Tren 200?

    I'm now 7 weeks into my cycle. I started out with Test 400 and deca 300. i was taking about 1 to 1.5cc's of each drug, a week until week five. I then bumped up my dosage to 2cc's of each drug a week. 1cc shot of each drug, shot twice a week. I am finishing up my cycle with Tren 200 to harden up my muscle as well has get a more ripped look that the test seems to take away from me. i will carry out this cycle out to 12 weeks. I would like some comments on this...negative or positive. All are appreciated. However, if you have some form of sarcastic remark...keep it to yourself. thanks

  2. #2
    jAcKeD!!!!'s Avatar
    jAcKeD!!!! is offline chemically engineered
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    tren ace?
    whats PCT do you have in mind?
    also: stats???? cycle exp?

  3. #3
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    you should aways keep your doseage the same bro ,this will keep your blood levals at a stedy leval....

    if i had them i would do this ,leave out tren and save it for next cycle(cutter)

    weeks 1-12 1/2 ml test 400 every 4th day (200mgs)

    weeks 1-10 1ml deca every 3rd day

    i see no pct...

  4. #4
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    yea bro i wouldnt recomend using tren and deca together without some bromo

  5. #5
    test5479 is offline New Member
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    well where i'm at, it is hard to come across stuff such as nolvadex and arimidex . i have done lots of research on stuff like this. So as of right now there is no PCT. answering the ?'s....this is my third cycle. the Tren is Enanthate 200mg. I have done two shots of the tren at 1cc a shot. For my previous cycle endings i simply use natural test boosters (in which most of them contain anti estros in them) for 4 to three weeks. if i could get REAL PCT, i would believe me. im just shy of 5'10" 150lbs. simply athletic build, not really stocky or lanky. Not much bodyfat at all. I am a hard-gainer...that's why i put the dosage so high for my cycle. However i think i may not be waiting long enough in between cycles. could be reducing the effectiveness of the drugs. I will admit i am definitley a disgrace to juice users...but i am very well knowledged on the products themselves and most of their properties and potential. just a few grey areas that i'd like to fill in...if you guys respond again i have a few more points to touch on...thank you for your input by the way.

  6. #6
    test5479 is offline New Member
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    tren and deca seem to counteract im guessing??

  7. #7
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    you shouldent be useing aas at 150lbs and no pct as of yet...this is really bad planing bro...

    your diet is the key here and i put my life on it you arnt eat right...

    post a typical days up please

  8. #8
    jAcKeD!!!!'s Avatar
    jAcKeD!!!! is offline chemically engineered
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    week 7 on your 3rd cycle and only 150lbs
    whats your diet like?

  9. #9
    test5479 is offline New Member
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    def. not as it should be. oh yeah, i smoke cigarettes as well. when i started i was about 125 pounds. my first cycle had a very nice transformation. i went to about 145 or so. i was takin sustanon 250. second cycle first 5 weeks of sust 250 and the last five were sust and tren ace. didnt really gain any weight that time. the tren gave great muscle density and hardness as well as a ripped up look. however the sust seemed to have failed. now, in between cycles i was only waiting 4 to 5 weeks. too short? and none of the cycles involved PCT. cuz like a said earlier i cant really get it. that's when i said im either at some sort of a plateau or im missing something here.
    DIET: if you would have bet your life, you would have been right. My diet is not what it should be. Im a single guy cant really cook often to try and have a descently proportioned meal. i do eat fast food, i try to have stuff like the salads if the place is very greasy. i take in anywhere from 80 to 100+ grams of protien per day. i know i should be takin in at LEAST 150 grams. I work in the plants dont have much time for an ideal lifestyle of a true bodybuilder....the two factrs that i REALLY think that are hurtin me is my smoking and my improper diet. i try to eat things that are high in calories and protein and low in fat and starch.
    please fellos, take it easy on

  10. #10
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    the best advise for you is ,,,get off cycle now ,do pct and get your diet in good order o yes stop the smokeing and i bet you will gain a ton of weight in the next 12 months if you do a good bulking diet...

    thats all i have too say man..

  11. #11
    test5479 is offline New Member
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    well thanks for the input man.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by test5479 View Post
    or im missing something here.
    ^^^^^^^^smoking,crap diet,shitty cycling,no PCT to name a few

  13. #13
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    Another believer in the Magic Bean theory behind steroids .

    Crappy diet + not knowing what your doing (thinking more AAS is better and it is not) + NO PCT = failure with building muscle.

    Right now you are stressing your body to the point of no return with no PCT and using those substances. You'll be a prime candidate for HRT within the next year or 2. Here is an IDEA for you. Get off now, start a PCT with proper products which can be bought off of, go to the PCT section and read up. Deca and Tren are harsh and need more then natty test boosters to bring back up your natural test production. Your in for a major crash.

    Also read up on how AAS affect your body and how your body actually grows. AAS are not magic beans, food is how your muscles grow, and lots of it! Do you think muscles are built out of thin air?
    Maybe I missed it but how old r u?

  14. #14
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by test5479 View Post
    tren and deca seem to counteract im guessing??
    tren and deca are both 19-nors.

  15. #15
    Schmidty's Avatar
    Schmidty is offline Test Is Best!
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    Quote Originally Posted by test5479 View Post
    tren and deca seem to counteract im guessing??
    not counteracting, but they both can raise prolactin.

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