Told you fdrx. Keep going, and no more candy!
Told you fdrx. Keep going, and no more candy!
yeah no more candy! ive been eating pasta's and salads, and tonight im gunna eat some peanutbutter and jelly sandwiches!! been craving them lol and add some grapes and a bananna to the mix.. ive been cramping so im hoping the bananna will help out with that!
careful with pastas they have alot of carbs in it, careful. The diet I did I was allowed 30% carbs, according to weight. For example if you weigh 204lbs you can only have about 61gs of carbs a day. Thats the diet I had. Just throwing it out there.
yeah i know man.. but i love pasta.. and the heat isnt too bad unless im sleeping cause i can hop in a cool shower and im better.. my gf hopped in with me yesterday and thought i was crazy cause the water was cold lol.. i thought it was nice she was cold lol... i grabbed her nipples and took advantage of the situation lol.. she got mad lol!
I was thinkin of using DNP as well, but cancelled it on my order last minute. I have about 5 weeks and need to drop 10-15lbs pretty quickly... now I may add it back on! My question is this, any reason to add a mild diuretic (potassium sparing, such as Aldactone?) with this, to cut/keep the water weight down? I'd be running clen along with it as well. My guess though, would be that adding a diuretic to the DNP could be asking for trouble...
water weight isnt that bad man.. i get worse water weight on test.. plus it does go away quickly only a few days after you stop using DNP..
Exactly what fdrz said. Water retention goes away within a few days. It'll add about 3 lbs. DNP is a very strong drug. Its the kind of drug u wanna take by itself or with least amount as possible. I do think running clen with DNP is a good idea. I've heard that if you take glycerol it'll reduce the sweating. I don't much about that i'm still trying to research it. By the way fdrx I went to 3 damn pharmacys and none of them knew what i was talking about. Still gonna look tho i'll keep you posted.
ok cool cool!!
i weighed myself again and now im 206 so another pound down in one day! my work out sucked like usual on this stuff I was spent after 4 exercises.. i kept plugging away but dang its hard to even get motivated lol.. my shirt again was wet. not damp but wet!! tomorrow is my day off so im excited bout that!! gonna try and sleep all i can :-)
Did you try caffine? I hate to suggest it but it helps you doing your workout. I just got these drinks that work pretty good. Email me if you want more info. Pretty much any pre-workout spiker should help you out. Good luck and keep going, you'll get to your goals!
taking a diuretic with dnp would definitely be asking for trouble....bad idea
Last edited by dsw222; 02-01-2010 at 05:30 PM.
dude I feel like a slug on DNP.. its sad I know im taking it for one goal only and its doing that.. but you read about the sides until they come and then your like crap this sucks!!
I flat out dont want to do anything but sleep and drink water and sometimes eat! thats it... but i force myself to do things :-) im horny as heck but dont even want to engage in sex cause im soo tired.. funny how that works huh??
I still think you should try some caffine or pre-workout spiker. No its not a good idea but it'll work. This doesn't mean that you go take as much as you can. Just take enough to get you there. If you feel pressure around your heart or anything like that, stop immediately! Like I said before, Hydroxycut Hardcore or a pre-workout spiker drink.
im thinking bout a red bull like 10 mins before work out.. should get me up and going perfect then slam down afterwards!
but im def losing fat.. my tummy is looking pretty flat.. i think im nearing 12% bf now.. just got a small tiny patch now at the bottom of my abs.. mostly skin i think. but the upper abs are showing regularly now.. so i think 7 more days on and ill quit for now.. and go back to watchin my diet and get cardio back up lol.. cause right now cardio is like yeah right ha ha!!
if i need more ill run DNP again near the end of may for 10-14 days again..
I would take glycerol, pyruvate, caffeine and ephedrine just before lifts. The glycerol and pyruvate where an essential combo. I will never take dnp without them again. The caffeine and ephedrine gave me energy too but they also made me sweat like a stuck pig. I'm talking sweat pouring off of me, my shirt so wet I had to ring it out after I took it off. People where constantly giving me looks like, "wtf is wrong with you"
dude im getting those looks now just from DNP i sweat very bad at the gym!
Finally got some info. Check out these links:
Link for pyruvate:
This is the best thing I could find on glycerol:
Here are the drinks I was talking about. Work pretty good, you can pick them up at a local GNC store.
I still don't get whats helps with the sweating. Perhaps the glycerol? Its suppose to keep you muscles hydrated, is what "gettingBIGGER" told me. I don't see that here but I guess its worth a try. I hope this helps guys.
thanks man.. ill def have to give it a try..
plus i need something for sleep besides nyquill
tylenol PM. Works for me
i got some of that in the gel caps.. if it works ill give them a shot cause i hate the nyquill syrup taste.. yuck!!
Ok well I just ordered all the crap from the links. I should start my DNP cycle on friday or saturday. I'm gonna go for it and take all of it. I'll keep you posted and let you know how this cycle works. I should get it in time. NOW, Fdrx stop telling me about stuff i can buy. I've already spent too much and have a too wide of a selection of pills on my counter, lol. Looks kinda bad. I need to burn thru these b4 i can get some more. This is the 2nd day of my carb delpetion phase so as soon as the DNP gets here I should be able to start right away! Maybe I'll start a log of this DNP cycle with all this stuff, what you guys think?
common man u wanna buy these uhh "AA" copper top batterys!! they last a lot longer than rayovac! :-P
another pound is down the drain! m dropping roughly a pound a day! good stuff guys!
Told ya, and no i didn't get any AA's. A pound a day is about what i was doing too. I'm gonna run a 19day cycle starting on sat. Guess i'm gonna lose bout 19lbs huh. I can hardly wait to start!!
Thats weird that the glycerol is in a pill. Mine was a liquid. I checked and the product I used it discontinued.
This stuff looks similar, with just some extra ingredients.
When I took it I would just take 1 tbsp 3 times a day
good read here. am considering DNP myself leading into my next cycle
Damn "gettingBIGGER" I wish i would have saw that when i ordered my stuff. The amount of gylcerol is alot more in your stuff, about double actually, i didn't see any sodium tho. I read that If its not solid or if you don't eat sodium with it it will make you feel sick, especially that much of an amount. Nonetheless i'm gonna try it anyway. One thing i don't like tho is that my strength went down while i was on DNP. So i'm gonna run my cycle a lil different. When I start the log i'll tell you what i'm be on. I'm gonna warn you now......its alot.
ok update!
redbull about 15 mins before the work out helps out a bunch with energy! it was awesome! however my weight jumped 6 pounds today!!?? i weighed in 210.5 pounds!
wtf?? i dont get it.. i roughly weigh the same as when i began on DNP.
weird thing is i look in the mirror and i look thinner and more fit etc..
since im on a cycle still of aas.. could it just be im still gaining muscle etc but dropping fat so therfor my weight drop wont be too dramatic etc?? but the fat loss is still good??
only thing i can think of any ideas??
you still running 250? If so i think it is possible you are gaining some muscle. Also, don't forget, DNP make you hold water soooooo. Also take into consideration what time of the day you are wei***ng yoursefl and what you've eaten that day. It is best to weigh yourself first thing in the morning for an accurate reading. Also, if you still at 250, you do have to watch what you eat. Well, you have to watch what you eat regardless, but don't count on the dnp to burn off everything if you eating tons. Even though you are on dnp, since it is low dose it is still possible to have an excess of calories
You should be getting your BF% tested and track that. Like you said, you seem to be looking fitter, but weight has increased... I'm sure you have dropped fat, but have gained muscle and water and have offset the fat loss.
Similar thing happened to me. I kept going and i dropped all the added weight (the 5lbs) plus another one. It was probably what i ate combined with water weight. I doubt if the weight was from muscle that it would appear sudden like that. Its more likely because of food and/or water. Keep going it'll come off. Don't stop now fdrx.
i weigh myself around 5pm when i go to the gym
right now im taking 450mg of dnp a day..
and im taking 600mg of sust a week, 300mg of deca a week and 700mg of tren a week..
i actually am now done with the deca.. im on my last week of tren.. and 2 weeks left of sust then i go into PCT mode.. im more fit for sure.. but the weight thing has me all goofed up! cause i gained like 6-7 pounds in a day!
granted i cheated today and ate a mcdonalds cheeseburger but still that shouldnt add 7 pounds lol.. i 90% of the time eat as good as anyone id say.. and while bein on DNP i should be able to afford a lil junk here and there since im not going to a competition or anything.. just for personal goals..
im on my last week of dnp also.. im thinkin bout bumping up to 600mg a day for dnp also.. any thoughts?? i feel i can handle the sides as im kinda gettin used to my levels im at! or so i feel..
instead of bumping up the dose, just extend your cycle for a day or 2. just a thought.
I agree with Peteroy just extend your cycle, I wouldn't bump up the dosage, 450 is ok but 600 is just dangerous. Maybe the mcdonalds and candy had something to do with it? I still think the 6pds is food and/or water. I'd say give it a couple of days and see what happens. Be patient with DNP, it will work!
im sure the weight you gained is from the sodium in the Mcdonalds. wouldnt worry about it.
^^^^ I agree completely - McD's = SODIUM = water gain. Especially if you've been strict with your diet, your body is gonna grab that sodium and use it to it's full potential- BAM! You'll dump the water in no time and then POOF... magic abs appear!![]()
aight ill stay at 450 for the final 4 days.
funny thing is still, my arms are getting very defined, my chest, back, legs, etc.. my upper abs also.. my lower abs still has that pouch of fat like a beer belly! ive been battling this for 3 years lol.. i honestly cant say if its smaller or not lol.. I assume it is cause heck the rest of my body is getting more tone so naturally im losing more fat..
perhaps my BF% was higher than I thought?? i always thought fat distributes evenly over the body.. can it clump together in certian spots more than others??
i feel that is exactly what my fat done.. my lower abs is 80% of my fat I bet! and I know its not huge but still noticeable by me the one who counts!
its all about genetics as to where you store fan. some people are lucky and only have the gut without the handles. wish i was one of those. anyways keep up with the log. its keeping me motivated on my current cycle.
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