Let us know what you weigh today fdrx. I just got my DNP a lil bit ago. It starts soon, watch out for the log starting tomorrow.
Let us know what you weigh today fdrx. I just got my DNP a lil bit ago. It starts soon, watch out for the log starting tomorrow.
i will do!! im going to the gym in about 3 hours! ive ate good today but drank about 5 gallons of water!! ive been like soo thirsty today!! and ohh crap!! i forgot to take my morning DNP pill! crap can i double up the pills when i get off work and be ok still?
i wouldn't. Your just gonna have to skip one. Thats a lil too much DNP. I would however take your pill immediatey and adjust your timing accordingly. I dunno how you have been taking em but i would take em every 12 hrs. if you take it now maybe you can take it right b4 bed or first thing in the morning. Point being try and space them out as much as possible. Let me know how it goes.
actually 5 gallons is an exaggeration. i prob did drink 2 gallons easy tho! and i took one pill today when i got off work so im just not doing the full deal today..
my weigh in!! 211.5 pounds!!! its the most ive ever weighed!! but like i said my work out was awesome! and my arms and chest was the most cut they have ever looked! so im def losing fat.. i just think im gaining better while on the dnp then when i was off lol.. think its making the steroids renew themselfs and work better??
im soo confused with this stuff.. i mean its working but why im gaining weight i dunno!!?
its your bodies natural defense. you need H20 to cool off, so if you are constantly overheated your bodies response is to hold water to help cool its self off. it does this though the kidneys producing anit-diuretics to hold water. im sure if you bumped your dose back to 300mg ed then you would lose quit a bit of water weight in a few days. if i were you i would bump back to 300mg and extend the cycle a wk and you would see even better results. jmo
so im just holding more water you think? heck by the end of i might get consiered a new great lake lol jk
im gunna stick to my dose today but starting tomorrow ill drop back to 300mg a day and go till nxt friday sound good?
its just weird cause im losing fat i can tell but im the heaviest ive ever been lol
Why are you gonna drop your dosage? Weren't you taking 400mgs ed?
I am and decided to stay at 450mg. the sides arnt bad and I think I can stay here longer and hold the same level
So how much you weigh now? How you doing now, any progress?
no chance at a scale it was broken today! ill have to update my weight tomorrow.. but guys if im any heavier im gonna die lol.. my love handles are near gone and my tummy is a lot flatter.. if i stay on for another 2 weeks ill prob have a 6 pack just from this alone!
ok not an official scale since its a cheapo at work but i weighed in at 207.. ill verify this tonight at the gym. i really feel i dropped some weight this weekend.. my abs are starting to show! :-) im excited!
Told ya it would work. Keep going, as you can see your stomach is getting flatter as did mine. Please keep doing your ab workout(s) don't rely on this stuff for a 6-pack. I say that to you jokingly because some ppl actually do. I suggest hip raises, i think those work really good. I'll add an entry later today after I go to the gym.
yeah i always do ab workouts 3 times a week in the gym. but i def know that the bf% is what makes or breaks ya with seein the 6-8 pack!![]()
official weigh in 205, I knew I was losing and today kinda proved it! I love dnp it cuts fat away like none other! good stuff!!
Just stop!!! You're makin me want to order some up and give it a run... I better go wash my rx7 and gitter ready for Spring. That'll take my mind off DNP!![]()
u got a 7 also! what year man!? mines a 94 touring.
dude dnp rocks! the sides suck major ba))s but the fat drops.. like i said i was wei***ng more but in the mirror i was getting more cut.. i can def see it.. and now the scale is def showing it.. im on my last week.. then ill be off it for some time..
I have some PGCL to try next when i start my next cycle.. and i wanna do a log on that also.. and compare the two.. so far its going to be hard to beat the DNP.. but PGCL has other good points I like but we will see..
weight this morning 204.. and i took 150mg as soon as i got up.. ill take another at lunch, and another before the gym and that will be that! 6 days left!
I got an '87, second owner. Love it. Had an '87 about 10 years back as well. Amazed at how many comments and even offers I get on it! I may still try the DNP, but I'm happy for now with GH results and excited to add AAS. I get good results from clen/T3 as well, which I'll run for 6 weeks here as soon as my new supply arrives (wringing hands evily)!![]()
good deal.. i wish u the best man! keep us informed on your progress!
im 205 today! a lil gain but the way this stuff works it doesnt bother me.. friday im stopping then come id say mon/tues I should see full results since it will be gone and so will the water!
sweating pretty good today!! really heated up at my desk.. borrowed my secretarys fan even! lol!! now im ok unless i walk around then im hot again!..
yeah i understand. ate sushi yesterday and walking to the bathroom and noticed i was breathing all hard while i was pisssing. kinda funny how the drug that fights obesity gives you the symptoms of being obese.
dnp increases the rate at which you muscles use oxygen and also thickens your blood. This is why you start breathing harder. When on dnp, I have to pay attention to how hard I am breathing or I freak people out. Imagine being in the library and hearing some guy huffing and puffing while he reads a book. Its just weird
fdrx, dont be that guy that stops his log the day he stops DNP. I NEED THIS(while scratching face furiously)
LOL I won't be buddy! just for u LOL
you got an update?
no i havent dude lol.. ive just been swamped with work lol.. havent been on the site much ha ha!!
im 202 currently water weight i think is gone.. my workouts are great again! im the leanest ive ever been and im the bigest ive been too!!
appetitie stayed around tho just no more junk food cravings! thank god!
i feel you on the junk food thing. well anyways thanx for the update. just giving you a hard time.
get those photos up man
ill snap a photo at the gym tonight or try and get someone to takeone of me so i can post and photoshop my face lol
any updates? you lose all your water weight yet?
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