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  1. #1
    bfsparty is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2008

    can arimidex drop the nuts down?

    on eq enth cycle, 3 weeks in. goin on 4...have Arimidex on deck,have used very little so far

    Something makes me think me nad sack is not hanging like it used to. I know what an AI does, for the most part: and getting the perfect risk/reward ratio of the test and AI balance is unique to the individual, predisposition to estro sides, etc...a little is estro is a friend...

    BUT: let's say the nads are shrinking a bit: Will the use of, say .5mg eod of AI help descend em back, or even better, guard against any erectile dysfuntion long or short term. I have Clomid and HCG on deck for PCT...but will not use it while in cycle...

    For the record, I want the tang morning noon and night and so far can pull it off and make it work... at least for now

  2. #2
    meathead320 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bfsparty View Post
    on eq enth cycle, 3 weeks in. goin on 4...have Arimidex on deck,have used very little so far

    Something makes me think me nad sack is not hanging like it used to. I know what an AI does, for the most part: and getting the perfect risk/reward ratio of the test and AI balance is unique to the individual, predisposition to estro sides, etc...a little is estro is a friend...

    BUT: let's say the nads are shrinking a bit: Will the use of, say .5mg eod of AI help descend em back, or even better, guard against any erectile dysfuntion long or short term. I have Clomid and HCG on deck for PCT...but will not use it while in cycle...

    For the record, I want the tang morning noon and night and so far can pull it off and make it work... at least for now

    You got the Arimidex and HCG use backwards.

    I would not use the HCG for PCT, as it is just as supressive to the HPTA as IM test.

    Actually the testosterone in itself is not that supressive, it is more the effects of E2 (estradiol).

    Yes, and AI durring cycle CAN slow down negative feedback.

    What I would do, in your situation.

    I would:

    use the hcg, DURRING the cycle, at only 250 iu 2x EW. It is good at those small doses, 2x per week, to keep the testes from shrinking, and is ok to use then, in terms of the HPTA, as you are supressing it anyway.

    The issue with HCG, is that at anything over 500 iu, it is toxic to the leydig cells of the testes, causing permanent damage. At doses of only 500 iu or less, it is not as harmful, and at as low as 250 iu, is just the high end of normal LH, as far as the testes know.

    What NOT to do with hcg is to over-dose it. Guys using just 5000 iu of HCG, for PCT are asking for trouble. All that does is supresses the HPTA even more, AND kills the leydig cells in the testes. Double shutdown, and hello HRT.

    I would prefer nolva, but I could also use the clomid for pct as the SERM. Either works.


    Week 1-3: 50mg clomid ED
    Week 4: 0.5mg Arimidex (or 5 sprays liquidex) ED

    Week 5+ off.

    Natty test and estradiol levels would likely be back in normal range about 1-2 weeks after pct ended, as the final part of pct would be dropping the E2 bellow normal, but it would climb back up, to normal healthy levels, around 7-14 days later.
    Last edited by meathead320; 03-27-2008 at 10:13 AM.

  3. #3
    bfsparty is offline Junior Member
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    fantastic reply, much more than I expected. Very interesting. So much conflicting opinion on proper PCT, much more inconsistent/advice out there than a cycle!

    My doc/AAclinic says this: for PCT, since I have a 15000iu bottle: 10 days after last enth eq pin jam 2000units eod day for first 3 injections and then go 1000 eod until it is gone (about 2 weeks), while taking clomid eod for a month. say do this: fire up the HCG bottle with your protocol of HCG use. With use if BWater, my HCG would last quite awhile, the only problem might be the reconstition shelf life of the the bottle (month to 6 weeks if I am lucky) what is your take on the shelf life ( I can call my pharm)

    Q: how long after the last enth eq shot would i start eating the clomid?

  4. #4
    bfsparty is offline Junior Member
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    my pharm just told me the HCG , reconstituted, last 60 days in the fridge (properly temp'd) an fyi

  5. #5
    ToonPaul is offline Junior Member
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    Hey meathead why arimidex only in week 4 of PCT?

    I would of thought;

    1-4 Clomid
    1-4 Arimidex

    I know what your saying bfsparty about conflicting views, very confusing.

    Personally if I was you i'd just accept the shrinkage on cycle cos they'll be back to normal after anyway.

  6. #6
    Njord's Avatar
    Njord is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bfsparty View Post
    fantastic reply, much more than I expected. Very interesting. So much conflicting opinion on proper PCT, much more inconsistent/advice out there than a cycle!

    My doc/AAclinic says this: for PCT, since I have a 15000iu bottle: 10 days after last enth eq pin jam 2000units eod day for first 3 injections and then go 1000 eod until it is gone (about 2 weeks), while taking clomid eod for a month. say do this: fire up the HCG bottle with your protocol of HCG use. With use if BWater, my HCG would last quite awhile, the only problem might be the reconstition shelf life of the the bottle (month to 6 weeks if I am lucky) what is your take on the shelf life ( I can call my pharm)

    Q: how long after the last enth eq shot would i start eating the clomid?
    That's a horrible pct protocol.

  7. #7
    bfsparty is offline Junior Member
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    totally agree njord. after what meathead said, and remembering what others have told me in the past...I posted that protocol because it is scary that this came from minions that work for someone that took the hippocratic oath... and the pharm it was filled at...says it on the f*** label...take 1000 units eod...

    too much gd misinformation, and someone, even myself if I went for the doctor's orders, could, could have hosed up the leydig cells.

    Which goes to show why meathead's idea of an end all PCT and proper use of HCG from a subject matter expert might not be a bad idea to put on THIS forum.

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