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03-27-2008, 01:55 PM #1
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- 5,148 members.... Can you help?
hey guys... when you visit other websites related to bodybuilding or fitness, will you do us a huge favor and post the links to our home page or video (injected pages)? This would help us out a bunch! Thanks!!
BcPlease keep bumped
03-27-2008, 05:36 PM #2
03-27-2008, 07:57 PM #4
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- 410 we just add it at the bottom of a comment?
03-27-2008, 08:27 PM #5
Who or why would anyone visit another bodybuilding or fitness site?
03-27-2008, 08:39 PM #6
03-27-2008, 08:44 PM #8
You want us to post a link to your site on other peoples sites, but stictly forbid us to post links to other sites, or even state the names of other sites that we may belong to, on this site?
Its your site (and money), and I know my opinion doesn't matter, but isn't that a tad hypocritical? I completly understand why you do not want to advertise your compitions sites on your site....and like I said it is your site, do as you wish, as you seem to be doing it better than most...but IMHO asking us to promote your site in a manner that you forbid on your site seems wrong to me.
If this question is out of line...let me know and I will delete it, no disrespect meant.Last edited by damiongage; 03-27-2008 at 08:56 PM.
03-28-2008, 01:39 AM #9
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It's not hypocritical, I think. On this site, you're asked to follow rules, just like on other sites. The rules are different. We don't allow posting other sites links, and other sites may not have that rule. If those other sites you visit do not have this rule, then Brian is just asking that you post a link to our vids on them.
03-28-2008, 02:53 AM #12
im a member of at least 7 or 8 others and i will post it on all of them today after work
03-28-2008, 08:18 AM #13
I think I put more thought into than just "following the rules." Or maybe it was the way it was phrased that threw me off. I will elaborate on the way I took it.
Rules are set for a reason. This rule is in place (IMO) as to not support other sites. I own a business and a web site, and I would be damned if I would let someone post my competitors information on the site I pay for, much less a link to their site. So that I get. But on the flip side, I would not ask my clients to go on my competitors websites and post links to my site. I would not only feel like a hypocrite...but felt that I was compromising my charactor and implementing a "do as I say...not as I do" policy.
I have been a member here along time, and seen many changes (longer than alot/most of the vets and mods). Some changes I like and some I did/do not agree with. But I do not pay for the site and respect Brians right to do as he wishes with the site he pays for.
While I understand why he would want us to post links here:
more links= more hits and members
more members = more money for the sponsors
more money for sponsors= more money for Brian and staff
And I am sure it takes alot more than I know to run this place...especially with the new videos and studio. But never sacrifice pricaples for profit.
Again...I have a habbit of reading too much into things, and my intention was not to challange Brians charactor (especially in an open forum), as I do not ever wish to disrespect anyone. Just offering my opinion for cosideration. He is a smart guy and maybe he will post a little more of his thought process behind this thread. Not that I feel I deserve one, more like I would be interested to here his thought procees on this.
If a mod or Brian feels this is disrespectful please just delete it and send me a PM, as that was not my intention.
03-28-2008, 08:19 AM #14
03-28-2008, 08:38 AM #15
To the top
03-28-2008, 09:22 AM #16
Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.
Everything was impossible until somebody did it!
I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Great place to start researching !
03-28-2008, 09:42 AM #18
damiongage, there are a lot of legitimately different ways of viewing things in life and in business... I am prone to look into things deeper too, but here is another take.... being in business and working for large enterprises...this is not an uncommon business practice for competition... whether it is ethical or not is a matter of how you view it i guess, but it is not abnormal.... i don't work for coke, but i knew people that did (my brother) and they fired a couple of people for bringing in some product from a store that sold some of competitions... is this extreme, and abusive? yes, very imo and kind of oversteps the right and freedom of choice... but an at will employer state allows a company to hire and fire at will (for the most part). basically they ask you to be loyal and whether you agree or not, you can go elsewhere.
anyhow, that is an extreme example and I might have to think to get a better one that is more relevant... but my main point is that many businesses do similar things that are in the best interest of the company.... and you can
a) walk away and find some other gig
b) don't let it bother you...(de pe nds on your ethical perspective)
So on this, to me it is just a matter of....if you don't agree...don't do it. or get worked up about and go to different board... I don't take things too personal. To me this is business move....
Also another angle is,.... regardless... it is good information to get out in the open public.... share it with all friends that are willing to listen.
anyhow, don't take this message as attacking you either....just offering different perspectives..
I don't know if members are "clients"...we get a free place to hang out and learn about steroids . If we were clients, we'd be paying. Advertisers are clients, I think...because I'm sure they pay. But members on a free site really aren't. I know where you're coming from though.
I do know that based on the price of the profiles (there's was a thread on here where) Brian offered $200-250/profile for people to improve the site. And if you do the math, there's over 50 Brian paid like over $10k to give us members something for free to learn from. And those profiles have always been free for us.
God knows what it costs for a 5-10 page article. But there's tons of them on the main page that Brian must have paid A-Rob to write. And we get them for free...I can't imagine a better deal. HE pays $15k+ and we get all of it for free.
And in terms of competitors, steroid .com doesn't have any! If a site really thinks they're our (this site, you and me, and Brian and Tony - all of us are in this together) competitors, then they won't allow the link. Brian chooses to run his business this way. Most steroid discussion sites on the 'net are hobbies, not businesses I think. I could always be wrong, but if this were my living, I wouldn't allow people to outlink.
If it were my hobby, then I would. We all know this site isn't a hobby. This is serious.
Also, we (all of us!) have a bigger role than those other sites, in terms of steroids and responsibility.. When the authors of the BALCO steroid book "Game of Shadows" needed to know about winstrol , where did they turn? (we are mentioned in chapter 8's references). Where did the NY Times turn? Or the BBC? Or Yahoo Sports? C'mon...we have a huge responsibility here, and we should ALL be on board. We should help any way we can I think.
We may even be helping a university conduct a study soon, and Anthony (wonder why we haven't heard from him in so long?) is on the phone daily with the media, doing interviews, and getting the truth out there. We'll be helping promote a steroid documentary (Bigger, Stronger, Faster, By Chris Bell).
In June Anthony will be speaking in front of 500 people about steroids, at an academic event. Telling the truth to people who matter. That takes money for him (and us) to have the time, resources, and support to research. And that takes this site. And I think linking to us outside will help all of that.
And that means if we can link others to here, we should. At least I think so.
When these other sites do what Brian has graciously allowed us the voice and resources to do, then maybe we'll link to them too. This is too important not to help us with, for every member.
Sorry if I seem heated, I just know what goes on every day with and all of that (friends with Tony, and work with him as the President of Muscle Evolution), and I know that all of us benefit from this site and no other site is trying to really change things in the steroid world (unless complaining = trying).
I just think, and maybe I'm out of line (I don't mean to be) that this site is doing so much for every single steroid user out there that in this case we deserve links on other sites regardless of reciprocation.
03-28-2008, 09:58 AM #20
Plus most of the other sites were totally $$$ making oriented, hence the open sourcing (big ass advertising banners) which Brian was so smart to avoid. Im sure the money sounded great, but he made this site safe for everyone to visit and above all, the best place to learn about steriod USE....not ABUSE.
Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.
Everything was impossible until somebody did it!
I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Great place to start researching !
03-28-2008, 09:59 AM #21
where i come from, ppl get shot for doing things like that... haha,
i dont visit any other boards. but if it helps us get out the knowledge that ppl need. ill sign up at a few places and post some links. this board has helped me more then anything. so ill do anything to help.
03-28-2008, 09:59 AM #22
I agree and you explained it better....I am a business man so I process things like this from a business perspective.... but, i do say that things that are done and acted upon have various motives and I can't say charity is the only motive for all actions.... You have an insider perspective and that is the only way to really explain it... damiongage is calling out for an answer in front of all and basically i offered him and others that read a different perspective because nothing was being said about his perspective, but like i said it might have been a bad analogy and what was needed was an insiders perpective... which you gave and is good.
03-28-2008, 10:42 AM #23
I dont think Ive ever seen Merc even "heated" yet?
But you make a 100% valid point in which I believe everyone should listen to. Everyone here recieves free advice/knowledge/and even entertainment that has been paid for out of pocket by Brian. Not many people realize that he is trying to promote something that will help people in the steroid world, not make money! Granted everyone NEEDS money in order to survive, the staff here at AR is making this a better place for everyone who has been involved or knows people who are involved in AAS.
Asking another board to check out the videos, not the forum, is not a bad idea nor is it contradicting to what the rules are here. Brian and the staff have clearly set some rules in place to stay out of the troubled steroid forums and make this place safer for everyone. As stated there are many open source boards out there that made lots of money from advertising but alot of them are either shut down OR dont post sources anymore due to the recent busts in the AAS world. Again it was something that Brian wanted to stay away from to keep all the memebers here safe, not looking for illegal/controlled substances, but getting science and personal experience behind them. Again only to help members. By having all the members here (whom should be dedicated due to getting all information here for free) helping Brian out by putting his video out there is only returning the favor to him!
I understand where some of you may be coming from in regards to being "contradicting" but to be honest if the other boards out there do not have rules about it then post it up! If there are rules saying no posting it then either DONT post there to save face OR if you dont care then post. ITs all up to you, either way if its not allowed it will be edited. These are internet forums for people to gather tons of GOOD information from and i think that posting a link to the videos will only help the steroid world as a whole, NOT just
And everyone has to realize that this board is not just "hey is this cycle good" type of advice, the advise given here normally asks for stats, current diet, training, how many years of using AAS; It is what would be best for the user to properly use the substance and obtain the best/safest results out of it. The people here giving advise know what they are tlaking about due to experience/research. Also don't forget the patience and time members/staff put in to help out the ignorant and uneducated on the topic of AAS. ITs about doing things right the first time so later problems can be avoided.
Do Brian, the staff whom put in hard work to make all information/videos available, and all other AAS users a favor and post the link. He is ASKING you guys to do him this one favor and I dont think its that difficult of a task to do.
03-28-2008, 10:45 AM #24
WOW...lots of perspectives, and information. I didn't mean to hijack Brian's thread and turn it into all this. I will start a thread my own thread to elaborate my feelings on some of your responses.
Until then...Bump for Admims thread
03-28-2008, 11:16 AM #25
Last edited by Booz; 03-28-2008 at 11:20 AM.
Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........
Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........
Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:
sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....
03-28-2008, 12:10 PM #26
im a member at so many open source boards and others but this board has by far the most educated people. there isnt even a close second because this board is far superior to any other and by me posting it on other boards i am not only helping the admin. but im also helping the people that want to learn. there is no way anyone can say that this board isnt the top board in its class and with more members comes more knowledge.
03-28-2008, 12:56 PM #28
also, just imagine the costs of running bandwidth here for all the pointless threads we all start in the lounge etc.
the lounge could be eliminated and this could only be a Q&A board, but Brian at least offers us a place to talk about stupid crap daily that actually costs him money.
so looking at it from that perspective, it is pretty generous considering that all of us kind of take this place forgranted
03-28-2008, 01:14 PM #30
ok,will do.
03-28-2008, 01:23 PM #31
03-28-2008, 02:27 PM #34
If all the people who would know something about steroids, if they are safe, how they could risk using them, which sides are possible, what they do and what they need to work, were here and read what this board can offer in terms of free info, then steroids world will be seen under another point of view, a way better one.
Peolple that even blame all things regarding chemicals use in sports, would change their mind reading the amazing infos and suggestion that A-Rob, the staff and even all members contribute to spread.
Merc, yours is a great clarification on what this board is in the actuality of steroids. I don't know if there is a profit aiming for the banners in this thread, and sincerely I don't care.
I know for sure that if I had the possibility to diffuse the name of in all the bodybuilding and fitness websites of the net, I would do.
But personally I don't bother searching other websites instead of and the forum, because here and NOWHERE else I can feel better and find whatever I'm searching for.
03-28-2008, 04:02 PM #36
Although I think its a great idea to bring the site what is rightfully theirs, I just think the members of this site know what we have here, simply the most informative and well organized fitness site on the web. I just can't understand why anyone would go anywhere else?
Last edited by BuffBuffalo; 03-28-2008 at 04:07 PM.
03-28-2008, 05:09 PM #37
This is one of the ONLY websites that Has core members that constantly say"show me the reaserch to back it up" I belive that the the injected vids do just that as well.
03-28-2008, 08:06 PM #40
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So far so good, they seem to be doing what they’re supposed to.
Expired dbol (blue hearts)