hi guys my stats are
Age: 21
Weight: 115kg
Hght: 182cm
Bf:14 - 15%
Cycles: 2
my last Bulking cycle finished a week ago and that consisted of
1000mg Test E
500mg Tren A
800mg Eq
i stopped the cycle week 8 because i couldnt gain anymore weight after. my caloric intake was high and training was in check so i stopped. Now i am taking a break NO PCT. reason being i dont lose size and my natural test levels hit me in 4 - 5 weeks.
I want to cutt up now and i mean strip bodyfat look lean and i was thinking the following steroid agents would be used.
Sus250 or Test P
Tren A
id add stanazol but down here it costs just too much and im on bit of a budget.
if you guys can help me plan out how many weeks and what dosages that would be appreciated. im just not too familiar with what dosages and weeks cutting cycles go for