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  1. #1
    tripmachine's Avatar
    tripmachine is offline Senior Member
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    cycle i just started and things i COULD add.....

    Hey everyone I just wanted to get some input.

    Currently I'm on:

    weeks 1-12 test e 500mg / week (front loaded the first week 500mg 2 times in the first week) 250mg every 3.5 days after that...

    weeks 2-6 or weeks 8-12 depending on what you guys think. masteron 100mg eod

    I have nolva and letro on hand as well as hcg so I understand the importance of a propper PCT.... anyway I have the opportunity to purchase any of these.... Test p, test e, tren e, dbol , anavar , deca , I wanted to add something to my cycle........ I guess you could say my goals are to do a CLEAN bulk. Any thoughts on what to add would be great! Diet is doing real well just so you know and training is going great! I love preparing my food the night before to make sure I eat well the next day.. Thanks!

  2. #2
    spinner is offline New Member
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    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by tripmachine View Post
    Hey everyone I just wanted to get some input.

    Currently I'm on:

    weeks 1-12 test e 500mg / week (front loaded the first week 500mg 2 times in the first week) 250mg every 3.5 days after that...

    weeks 2-6 or weeks 8-12 depending on what you guys think. masteron 100mg eod

    I have nolva and letro on hand as well as hcg so I understand the importance of a propper PCT.... anyway I have the opportunity to purchase any of these.... Test p, test e, tren e, dbol, anavar, deca, I wanted to add something to my cycle........ I guess you could say my goals are to do a CLEAN bulk. Any thoughts on what to add would be great! Diet is doing real well just so you know and training is going great! I love preparing my food the night before to make sure I eat well the next day.. Thanks!
    ok well considering you have masteron in there your already guarenteed some LMB but your goal is to bulk i say you add the deca in at 400mg a week 1-10 (you can front load also for crazy strenght) and if you really wanna see quick gains kick start with the dbol 30-40mg ED for like 6 weeks so that looks like this this (this is the pct i would run)

    week 1 test e 1000mg deca 800mg dbol 40mg
    week 2-6 test e 500mg deca 400mg dbol 40mg
    week 7-8 test e 500mg deca 400mg
    week 8-10 test e 500mg deca 400 masteron 100mg EOD
    week 10-12 test e 500mg masteron 100mg EOD hcg 500iu EOD
    week 14-18 nolva 20mg ED
    if you wanna run letro you can through the first 12 weeks but id say its better just to hold on hand take incase of gyno symptons
    good luck let me know what you choose

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