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  1. #1
    916casanova's Avatar
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    1rst timer test cypionate and boldenone undecylenate

    Hi, first time and just going by a friends advice. I am taking 1.5 ML of each once a week. Should I be taking more or less of one or the other and should I worry about gyno at all? I have noticed that my hands get puffy and itchy when I contact cold things lately also. Is this a possible side effect? Hives etc.. Thanks in advance for any help.

  2. #2
    VTliftVT's Avatar
    VTliftVT is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 916casanova View Post
    Hi, first time and just going by a friends advice. I am taking 1.5 ML of each once a week. Should I be taking more or less of one or the other and should I worry about gyno at all? I have noticed that my hands get puffy and itchy when I contact cold things lately also. Is this a possible side effect? Hives etc.. Thanks in advance for any help.
    If you don't know these things you really need to not take them. How old are you? Why would you put something into your body that you have no idea how it will affect you, how to take properly, and mainly what the hell it is?
    You really really need to do a lot of research before you consider any of this. What is your training experience? Stats?

  3. #3
    916casanova's Avatar
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    I am 31 216lbs 21% body fat. I am a certified trainer and know proper lifting and diet but just tryin to get that extra boost. My friend has done cycles off and on for years and has had some great results but just getting another opinion.

  4. #4
    maxumboater's Avatar
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    Do lots and lots of research.

  5. #5
    916casanova's Avatar
    916casanova is offline Associate Member
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    I'm trying. Seems like alot of people on here say that I'd probably do okay with just the test cypionate for my first cycle. Should I save the EQ for the next cycle?

  6. #6
    maxumboater's Avatar
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    I say use it if you got it. We need to know what both are dosed at. Have you got a PCT together? Search around youll find your answers pretty fast.

  7. #7
    916casanova's Avatar
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    Yeah I was going to take the clomid towards the end. I don't know if I should be taking noveldex since I am taking low doses. Like I said 1.5 ml test and 1.5 EQ.

  8. #8
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    lay it out like this
    weeks a-b
    homone mg/week

  9. #9
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    Just so you know, saying "1.5ML of each" doesn't tell us anything about dosage.

  10. #10
    916casanova's Avatar
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    The bottle says 200mg so if I am taking 1.5ml I guess that would equal 120mg of test and 120 mg of EQ. Doing that for 5 weeks 1 shot a week. Then bumping up to 240mg of each for another 5 weeks.

  11. #11
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by 916casanova View Post
    The bottle says 200mg so if I am taking 1.5ml I guess that would equal 120mg of test and 120 mg of EQ. Doing that for 5 weeks 1 shot a week. Then bumping up to 240mg of each for another 5 weeks.
    nope 1.5ml will be 300mgs.

    i think your body fat is too high to be runnung aas(21%)...

    if you are going to run it anyways this is what you should do.

    weeks 1-12 500mgs every week(1.5 ml monday and 1.5 ml thursday)

    pct starts 14 days after last shot of test

    nolva 30/30/20/20

    clomid 100/100/50/50

    ai on hand for bloat control and nilva for gyno(high chance you may have gyno probs with being 21%)

  12. #12
    916casanova's Avatar
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    Thanks a bunch.. So you are saying only do the test 1.5ml twice a week? I have the EQ as well. Should I be doing that also? Also what does 'aas' stand for? Being as my bodyfat is high I was thinking about getting some premo as well. This is my fourth shot today at the 1.5ml of test and eq and I am seeing some difference. Mainly just recovering alot fast it seems and a little more veins being seen but that's it. Thanks again for the input.

  13. #13
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    aas=anabolic androgenic steroids

    just go with test for first cycle at 1.5 ml 2x per week for 12 weeks

    make sure you have a solid pct bro

  14. #14
    916casanova's Avatar
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    Right on. Yeah, I really just wanted to lean up because putting on size has never really been an issue but my friend said eating clean with the test and eq would do that. I was going to try winstrol but afraid of the hair loss. Do you think I should hold off and get some premobolin to lean up a bit before doing androgenic steriods ?

  15. #15
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    well primo needs to be run 600-1000mgs every week for no less that 12 weeks imo...

    you should get a good diet ,hit the cardio hard ,when your around 14% body fat thats the time to use your gear bro....but just test only for first cycle man....

    to run winny you need to be 12% or less or its just a waste of time and money imo....

    also winny needs to be injected every day bro,just thought i would let you know...

  16. #16
    916casanova's Avatar
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    Right on. Thanks again. Damn, If I could get down to 14% i wouldn't be doing any of it.. *LOL*

  17. #17
    jackdup04's Avatar
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    bro, u gotta do sum serious studying..B4 doin ANYTHIN' else Educate urself about aas.. u gotta wanna help urself for people to help you...In no way am i trashin' on you theres just alot of stuff to know and this is UR body ur putting shit into...Good Luck

  18. #18
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by 916casanova View Post
    Right on. Thanks again. Damn, If I could get down to 14% i wouldn't be doing any of it.. *LOL*
    this tells me you are wanting to run aas for cuting fat if so your going the wrong way about it bro,diet and cardio are 95%+ in the aid of fat loss.....steroids will not burn fat............... period

  19. #19
    916casanova's Avatar
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    Any way to private message someone on here?

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