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Thread: need help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    need help

    I am a 49 year old, in good health and shape. 6-2, 205. train 3-4 times a week. Do different types of workouts. Some powerlifting, some crossfit, some circuit. Do all the supplements, tongkat, mucuna, etc. Want some kind of guidance, as to what to take. Used dbol, back in the day by itself, 15 mgs a day, with great results. Right now can bench 280, squat 315, deadlift 430. Looking to get to 315+, 405+, 500+. Also want to get that pump and ferocity, that the dbol gave me 30 years ago. Plus the recovery benefits. can otc supps help me? Or should i cycle some juice. Right now i am on 5g of androgel for low t, from the doc. Do a high protien low carb diet also. Just want to get an educated opinion, rather than trying stuff myself. thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Have u read all the steroid profiles?? Theres ALOT of info that would prob be really helpful 4u... Then mabye ull have more of an idea of what u wanna do...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    yes but not sure which is best, and what else to take etc.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    If u want pumps an over the counter nitric oxide enhancer will help a little with that have u tried over the counter things like creatine, glutamine ect?? Id exaust natural options first personally...If u do want to start aas a test e or c only cycle would be a good way to start...MABYE adding D-bol wks 1-4..U said u were takin 15mgs a day and got great results? 50 would be norm for most so mabye run 25 for a few wks and see how that worx..Ull prob get alot of opinions on this.. but ultimitely is gonna be up to u.. Good Luck bro!!

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