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Thread: unbeleavable pain.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    unbeleavable pain.

    ok guys and advise on what i could have done, i shot my right front delt with 1/2ml sust (sust125mg) and went fine no pain completly normal went to gym in the evening and then noticed a small bruise appear and delt started to hurt but nothing serious so just dismissed it went to bed and woke up on thursday with my delt still hurting like mad a little worse than night before so went to gym did legs and came out and pain was a little worse but dismissed again thinking its just the sust. went to work and went home but then unable to sleep at all on my right side as i would wake up immedatley so had a shit nights sleep and fri the pain was unberable so took a pain killer and went and did back came out and didnt feel anything think the pain killer taken effect, fri nite then same problem as thurs unable to sleep on right hand side.

    Well today my arm is in bits i can only just lift it to shoulder hieght with pain can not move quickly and getting shooting feelings like pins and needles down right arm coming from delts and have a massive bruise.

    does anyone have an idea what i might have done or hit in my delt this is the very first time out of god knows how many shots ive done there and had this pain, and never had any pain from sust or jabs before in the past, hit a nerve possibly??? dont think its a vein or similar as no blood came out was as i said completly perfect, at the time diff story now lol

    cheers for any thoughts guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    sus250 is known to be painful from the short esters in it. Does your gear say how much BA/BB it contains on the label? That could be a factor, or you could have tripped a nerve too.
    I hit a nerve in my bicep when I was doing a synthol injection and had a small bruise in the area afterwards but nothing bad to that scale.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    na dnt think its the sust been on it for 5-6weeks now and never had any issues, used few times b4 this cycle and never had problems with it will have to check the b content of it in work at the mo. but will check when i get home, its the nile sust if that helps.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    I'd see a doctor. It could be infected.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    yeah going on monday now, jsut wanted to see if any of you guys had anythign similar or had an idea of what i hit. not to worried about telling them whats going on but got a dam interview on tues and one section in it is a group prac so im hoping its going to be better by then or i'll have to painkiller up and hope i dont **** up

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    sus250 is known to be painful from the short esters in it. Does your gear say how much BA/BB it contains on the label? That could be a factor, or you could have tripped a nerve too.
    I hit a nerve in my bicep when I was doing a synthol injection and had a small bruise in the area afterwards but nothing bad to that scale.

  7. #7
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Ive has this also, I woke up from a dream that I got shot in my shoulder but it was just hurt an swollen from the inject. Ice works great, heat just rushes more blood to the area causing more swelling and pain. I would give it 4 to 5 days with ice on and off, if it doesnt seem to go away then hit up a doc. I wont even tell you about more glute prop shot.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    cheers BG yeah i can imagine if my shoulders this bad wouldnt like to have that, cheers will get some ice on tonight once i get in hopefully now, first time i've had something like this and was just dismissing it thinking it was just the shot but the pins and needles down arm started to put me on edge a bit so thought i'd see if anyone else had anything simialr.

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