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Thread: can some one?

  1. #1
    warriorora is offline Junior Member
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    can some one?

    hi guys my stats as i said before i am 24 218 pounds and and have experience with steriods for three years.what if i got more money for this cycle can it be like this test prop 1-8 100 mg per day and anadrol 1-5 100 mg per day deca 1-8 400 mg per week ,from week 5 wich i dropped anadrol i add trenbolone from 5 -16 and after i drop deac i add winny from 8-16 and anavar ?
    i wanna suggestions is this good stack if i wanna bulk the hardeen a little my gain ,and it,s not cause i have more money of course no body wanna lose his money i wanna it be the best done with more and thank u if u say any more steriods to be added to me to get proffessional

  2. #2
    warriorora is offline Junior Member
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    hey guys ?u never be late in replying all thiss

  3. #3
    warriorora is offline Junior Member
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    when will u reply?

  4. #4
    soccer#3's Avatar
    soccer#3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    dude u posted this 6 am on a saturday. what do u expect? maybe its just me but ur cycle seems a lil complex. i would just stick to 3 compounds. 100mg ed of prop seems a lil too much. drop it to 75mg. take the deca out and replace it wit npp, the fast acting deca. i would just go wit prop, npp and var if i were u.

  5. #5
    warriorora is offline Junior Member
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    anavar will be bulk cycle?

  6. #6
    soccer#3's Avatar
    soccer#3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    umm its more of a cutter. bring out definition and veins

  7. #7
    warriorora is offline Junior Member
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    what about prop 100 mg evevy day and trenbolone and anadrol and anvar anad t3 at the end?

  8. #8
    ChuckLee's Avatar
    ChuckLee is offline Scammer
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    Quote Originally Posted by warriorora View Post
    hi guys my stats as i said before i am 24 218 pounds and and have experience with steriods for three years.what if i got more money for this cycle can it be like this test prop 1-8 100 mg per day and anadrol 1-5 100 mg per day deca 1-8 400 mg per week ,from week 5 wich i dropped anadrol i add trenbolone from 5 -16 and after i drop deac i add winny from 8-16 and anavar ?
    i wanna suggestions is this good stack if i wanna bulk the hardeen a little my gain ,and it,s not cause i have more money of course no body wanna lose his money i wanna it be the best done with more and thank u if u say any more steriods to be added to me to get proffessional
    So it should be:
    T prop : 1-8 @ 100mg/day
    Adrol : 1-5 @ 100mg/day
    Deca : 1-8 @ 400mg/week
    Tren : 5-16 @ 100mg/day
    Winny : 8-16 @ ?

    What is your experience with test + tren?
    If you don't know the sides you can get from that stack yet, I would stay low with test, because it emphasizes tren sides, plus you can't run tren with no test on weeks 9-16, you will be probably shutted down hard from it.
    Deca for 8 weeks is pretty worthless, maybe you meant npp?

    My best suggestion would be:
    T prop : 1-16 @ 75/100mg EOD
    Adrol : 1-5 @ 100mg/day
    Tren : 5-16 @ 75mg/ED
    Winny : 11-16 @ 50mg/day

    Take off the deca if you're going to run tren.

    Even better would be this (because 16 weeks of prop could make you a human pinshot):
    T prop : 1-12 @ 75/100mg EOD
    Adrol : 1-4 @ 100mg/day
    Tren : 3-12 @ 75mg/ED
    Winny : 8-12 @ 50mg/day


  9. #9
    warriorora is offline Junior Member
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    chuck lee really thanks but what if i aslo have anavar and t3 how can i add them pplzzzz i really want to try them,

  10. #10
    ChuckLee's Avatar
    ChuckLee is offline Scammer
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    You can add T3 whenever you want, I wouldn't run it for more than 8-10 weeks tho. You're going to replace your thyroid and you won't want to damage his natural activity.
    Anavar have already two of the liver-toxic steroids in your cycle, Drol and Winny, they are both 17-aa, so if you wanna try anavar (a milder one tho) you should drop one of those I mentioned. Maybe take off the Winny to add Var, but that's your choice.


  11. #11
    warriorora is offline Junior Member
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    u mean t3 will not lower my gains and plz i wana it,s doses how many mgs per day

  12. #12
    warriorora is offline Junior Member
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    oh plz tell me cuz i will start it will it lower my gains ? and what is it,s doses

  13. #13
    Njord's Avatar
    Njord is offline Senior Member
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    I can't believe people are actually giving this guy cycle advice

  14. #14
    warriorora is offline Junior Member
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    why are u saying that

  15. #15
    jackdup04's Avatar
    jackdup04 is offline Associate Member
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    u really wanna add that anavar and t3 huh?! We went ova this yesterday and i said the same as chuck pretty much..I dont blame u at all 4gettin a second opinion but it seems like u want sum1 to tell u its ok to run all those at once..Ive been there!! wanting to run everything at once but u gotta slow down and think about it bro.. id hold off atleast on the anavar and t3 4now save em for another cycle.. Im sure there not gonna expire in 6months!!!!

  16. #16
    repoman247's Avatar
    repoman247 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Njord View Post
    I can't believe people are actually giving this guy cycle advice

  17. #17
    jackdup04's Avatar
    jackdup04 is offline Associate Member
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    Also educate urself more on aas and what they do!! I just went over this thread and between yesterday and today for sumone with the experience u claim ur not very educated on aas..If uve done a few cycles i hope u had guidance then as well...

  18. #18
    warriorora is offline Junior Member
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    ireally read many and used many steriods but it,s only i liked my self growing and i wana more i gotta more money this cycle i thought of a professional cycle i guess and i don't know why u treat me as a biggner i was just asking cuz chucklee told me i run t3 ant time i found it great to add if it will make me with minmum fat so i asked for it,s dose

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