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Thread: Cycles and training for endurance atheletes

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    West Coast

    Cycles and training for endurance atheletes

    I'm in my 3rd week of my first 10 week/500mg Test E cycle. I love it. These boards helped me build what I believe is a safe and empowering experiment.

    I am not a bodybuilder, though. I am 40 year old cyclist (as is 2 wheels). 6', 185, lean machine that likes to climb mountains and chew up miles on my machine. I don't want to knock body builders for they, like me, enjoy the benefits of Test.

    Nevertheless, I'm curious to know if anyone knows about resources for we doping atheletes that don't really want to gain. Obviously, test makes muscles grow: period. I'd love to know more about how to get as strong as possible without too much bulking. Limiting calories ok? Riding 3 hours up 4000 ft. every day? I think that I may need to lay off the protein shakes.

    Anyone know where people talk about this stuff?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    West Coast

    oh yeah... and

    I don't compete... so I ain't a cheater.

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